04-07-2022, 11:05 AM
Usual character name: Selena ROACH James
BYOND username: Kotlol
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Kotlol#6119
Recommended by (if applicable): Myself this time!
Goon servers you play: RP Server: Morty and Sylvester. Gravitate towards High Pop.
Reason for application:
I applied about 3... WAIT IT WAS LAST YEAR?! Time flies! But Yea I am taking another shot at it.
I played security a lot, mostly as a detective and I have been helpful as one several times.
I also think being a HoS might be a fun new expirence this time around for Role Players.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
Well from a year ago I have al lot security but also other expirences from the game. I have investigated chain murders, had clowns waterballoon and bathbombing me.
Had plenty of changelings , vampire, arcfiends and the like delt with. Had shifts where I kept missing the antagonist and others where I kept bumping into them.
Since I mainly play Roleplay wich is more relaxed going on, but players are so much more critical of your work as security... I have had my fair share of people saying "You be power trippin' " Luckily I had a HoS telling me all is fine when I brig someone.
As far as I can see security can always use a HoS (NTSO) on the job to assist them and guide them. Since I also expirenced the opposite end where I was as detective the only security with a security assistant.... and my lord that one went bad with the security assistant riot launchering people. Nothing like a little ahelp that helped that one out and it's those moments I wish I was a HoS.
Remember, Tickets are always okay, Fines are rare, Brigging for 30 seconds is always fine, execution only for the worst of the worst!
But even the roughest of shifts I try to have fun on the roleplay servers as a detective or Security officer, cause in the end you keep the shift together with fair assestments!
What advice would you give to other sec players?
- Talk 1st, never shoot 1st. Even with a killer. With shoot 1st I mean tazer of course. Even if you want to RP a triggerhappy charater.
- When in doubt, brig it for 30secs.
- Don't be afraid to investigate anything off.
- Talk with players even if nothing is going on.
- Don't rely on the AI too much, they are needed by everyone. Coordinate with the team!
- Avoid bad mouthing your fellow security officers.
- Lethal is only allowed if the person is gonna kill and escape constantly and even then MODERATE IT!! Like weaken them insted of going for a kill NEVER GO FOR THE KILL!
What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
One of my favorite moments is when I noticed something supicious in maintance near the bridge as a detective and started investigating, by the time I was done and had some evidence. I was asked to investigate another site near security (break in) where I found the same glove prints as the other site... but again these half prints.
So I went into Det_Net started running semi matches and narrowed it down to one suspect, told sec who it was. They found em working on a bomb... busted.
This quickly let into them ratting out another traitor that put up a fight and killed me... But they busted him, couldn't clone me in time.. but it was still worth my death!
What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
Non, Security is fine as it is. If anything antagonists needs more ways to mess with their gear and such.
Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
Paranoid, always responding, gun at hand. I'll be honest when I am the only security (mostly as detective) I get very paranoid as I am mostly not equipped to deal with groups. Also 1 mindslave implant and antags basicly own the station.. wich happened a few times, luckily the antags were chill people.
Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
A roach that blooms like a goddess.
Shoots guns like a sniper.
Gives crooks justice like father christmas.
Brig chut keeps going bur.
Let people know you are protected.
Nanotrasen is the best and not some fad.
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Still want to run that security has to do Pizza Delivery or food deliveries or some sort of delivery system since Mulebots cannot be trusted and Security is underpaid... thus having to do this second job to meet ends meet!
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
No previous bans at all. Just a few verbal warnings!
BYOND username: Kotlol
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Kotlol#6119
Recommended by (if applicable): Myself this time!
Goon servers you play: RP Server: Morty and Sylvester. Gravitate towards High Pop.
Reason for application:
I applied about 3... WAIT IT WAS LAST YEAR?! Time flies! But Yea I am taking another shot at it.
I played security a lot, mostly as a detective and I have been helpful as one several times.
I also think being a HoS might be a fun new expirence this time around for Role Players.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
Well from a year ago I have al lot security but also other expirences from the game. I have investigated chain murders, had clowns waterballoon and bathbombing me.
Had plenty of changelings , vampire, arcfiends and the like delt with. Had shifts where I kept missing the antagonist and others where I kept bumping into them.
Since I mainly play Roleplay wich is more relaxed going on, but players are so much more critical of your work as security... I have had my fair share of people saying "You be power trippin' " Luckily I had a HoS telling me all is fine when I brig someone.
As far as I can see security can always use a HoS (NTSO) on the job to assist them and guide them. Since I also expirenced the opposite end where I was as detective the only security with a security assistant.... and my lord that one went bad with the security assistant riot launchering people. Nothing like a little ahelp that helped that one out and it's those moments I wish I was a HoS.
Remember, Tickets are always okay, Fines are rare, Brigging for 30 seconds is always fine, execution only for the worst of the worst!
But even the roughest of shifts I try to have fun on the roleplay servers as a detective or Security officer, cause in the end you keep the shift together with fair assestments!
What advice would you give to other sec players?
- Talk 1st, never shoot 1st. Even with a killer. With shoot 1st I mean tazer of course. Even if you want to RP a triggerhappy charater.
- When in doubt, brig it for 30secs.
- Don't be afraid to investigate anything off.
- Talk with players even if nothing is going on.
- Don't rely on the AI too much, they are needed by everyone. Coordinate with the team!
- Avoid bad mouthing your fellow security officers.
- Lethal is only allowed if the person is gonna kill and escape constantly and even then MODERATE IT!! Like weaken them insted of going for a kill NEVER GO FOR THE KILL!
What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
One of my favorite moments is when I noticed something supicious in maintance near the bridge as a detective and started investigating, by the time I was done and had some evidence. I was asked to investigate another site near security (break in) where I found the same glove prints as the other site... but again these half prints.
So I went into Det_Net started running semi matches and narrowed it down to one suspect, told sec who it was. They found em working on a bomb... busted.
This quickly let into them ratting out another traitor that put up a fight and killed me... But they busted him, couldn't clone me in time.. but it was still worth my death!
What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
Non, Security is fine as it is. If anything antagonists needs more ways to mess with their gear and such.
Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
Paranoid, always responding, gun at hand. I'll be honest when I am the only security (mostly as detective) I get very paranoid as I am mostly not equipped to deal with groups. Also 1 mindslave implant and antags basicly own the station.. wich happened a few times, luckily the antags were chill people.
Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
A roach that blooms like a goddess.
Shoots guns like a sniper.
Gives crooks justice like father christmas.
Brig chut keeps going bur.
Let people know you are protected.
Nanotrasen is the best and not some fad.
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Still want to run that security has to do Pizza Delivery or food deliveries or some sort of delivery system since Mulebots cannot be trusted and Security is underpaid... thus having to do this second job to meet ends meet!
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
No previous bans at all. Just a few verbal warnings!