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Make ntso spacesuit no longer the default clothing for ntso
I think the thing that contributes the most to the ntso’s validhunter vibes is the spacesuit. It strips away the face and overall looks aggressive. While i think its a cool suit, and id like it to remain a thing, I think it shouldnt be what ntso’s nearly always wear. The main reason for this being by far the most common item of wear is mechanical, it’s better then there other clothing gear at all moments. Making the spacesuit more situational and having the more friendly looking clothes be more attractive should help change this. 

The ntso should spawn with a nanotrasen armor vest (the blue one). The beret should also be buffed a tiny bit to be -3 melee prot, while the nt armor vest should be slightly better then a standard armor vest (like -7). This means that when attacking people with this clothing, targetting the head is more of an attractive option, which adds a layer of depth to it. Sketchy d5s ntso clothing may need to be removed to prevent a hos biodome situation, now that this clothing would hopefully be more associated with the ntso.

In order to make this clothing style attractive though, the spacesuit will need to be sidegraded. In order to not overburden the ntso with objects, the spacesuit now comes in a bag that can fit it, and all there other clothing. The ntso spacesuit now has .2 slowdown on both the spacesuit and helmet (same as caps spacesuit). This makes a clear and noticable downside to wearing the suit. However, the spacesuit now gets better fire protection, and the helmet comes with a night vision mode, turning on the night vision mode makes the helmet glow thus offering a downside to using it for maint hunting. This means that the spacesuit now isnt just good for depressurization, its also good for plasma fires, broken lights, and other enviromental hazards. This would make the friendly face ntso clothing a default option, while making the spacesuit be a thing thats best used for emergencies.
As someone who enjoys playing NTSO with a badge and no beret, I like these ideas.
I think that works pretty good. I wouldn't even really be opposed to removing the NTSecO's spacesuit from their kit.

Having a clothing bag for them is decent, but as a point of clarification, you mentioned "In order to not overburden the ntso with objects". This is actually an intentional design choice, giving them so many items that inventory management is more or less integral to the role. (Not that your idea contradicts that, I just thought I'd mention)
Big thing is that this would give ntsos even more to carry so i think its fair to give them a little bit more room. I do think it would be good if the bag only came with like 3 inventory slots instead of 7 in order to make it useful primarily just for the clothing.
The armored spacesuit is iconic to them. Really unsure of this idea, as I like casually wearing it and it looks cool on RP.

 I do like the helmet giving night vision, though. Useful, and a great thing to steal for traitors.

Side note - The thing that contributes most to NTSO's validhunter vibes are the player playing them.
When im refering to vibes, im refering to how they look and feel. How things look impact how people react to things (and how people behave with those things albeit to a lesser extent). The thing this hopefully does is makes ntso seen most of the time as your friendly neighborhood nanotrasen operative, who during emergencies can still kickass. The slowdown would be pretty minimal, its the same as caps spacesuit. Its enough to be noticable but not too drastic, casual wear would still definitely be a viable option, just not the de facto best option.
I suppose I wouldn't be opposed to it, then!
Alternatively it could just be a reward skin option for the alternative. One would hope that if you were whitelisted for ntso you should know about that in game function.
NTSO equipment is terrible outside of the Baton. The Clock forces you to be lethal and primarily is a stamcrit weapon, and the Signaller II stun is terrible, which again is better as a lethal option that also recharges REALLY slowly. The only benefit the NTSO has is a spacesuit that makes them more vulnerable to attacks than regular security, with the benefit of space travel.

Space Travel is one of their only good strengths and its unique to them since security doesn't get Spacesuits (Which is hyper stupid).

I'm against this unless NTSO got a buff.
This sidegrades them, while there spacesuit is slower, it has higher enviromental protection and a night vision mode, and also gives them armor. If anything it probably does buff them because now they're more versatile at dealing with things.
(04-07-2022, 02:30 PM)RGBDeadSilent Wrote: NTSO equipment is terrible outside of the Baton. The Clock forces you to be lethal and primarily is a stamcrit weapon, and the Signaller II stun is terrible, which again is better as a lethal option that also recharges REALLY slowly. The only benefit the NTSO has is a spacesuit that makes them more vulnerable to attacks than regular security, with the benefit of space travel.

Space Travel is one of their only good strengths and its unique to them since security doesn't get Spacesuits (Which is hyper stupid).

I'm against this unless NTSO got a buff.

fully 100% agree with justin, ntso stuff is really weak overall and the space suit is even weaker than a normal vest
Hi I'm the sprite artist who drew the current (and pre-resprite) iteration of the NTSO suit (the very original before my sprite was a recolor of the nukeop suit done by Gannets), I sorta regret making it look as 'military cool' as it does. It shouldn't be an item you're mechanically incentivized to wear 24/7 imo, and I think the mask + blue beret + black clothes are stylish enough for the job *anyways*, and I think the suit is just a little bit over the line of being too imposing for security jobs.

Ideally IMO security aesthetically should be somewhere between cool and dorky, and I think HoS gets this pretty right. (wearing a cape irl as a security chief of one space station is very very dorky) I'd personally go as far to say that I'd prefer the generic NT suits that you get in pod wars (the ones that look like regular suits a bit) as a visual choice but I know people really like the current suit so I'm not sure if it's the best way to go about it.
Personally, I would really like it if the sprite was untouched. It's very cool as it is, and I think it's fine if people trusted by the community get cool things.
This thread feels a bit weird now that i've sat and thought on it, because we want to remove the uniqueness of the NTSO by taking away their Space suit. All the while, we have a thread up asking to nerf security by reducing the number of officers. Removing the suit essentially makes the NTSO another Security Officer, which we are trying to reduce the numbers of?
Id honestly argue that the spacesuit is what helps make ntso just another security officer. While im fine with ntso’s emergency capabilities, I think it would be best if the managerial side was leaned into more for it. The spacesuit subconciously tells other players through its design that this person is aggressive and shouldnt be talked too, and to a lesser extent this tells the ntso to behave in a valid hunty manner as well. There is a reason why ntso gets an above average amount of complaints about validhunting compared to hos, because currently the roles look signals to everyone that it is that. The goal is that by not making the spacesuit something you wear 24/7, you improve community perception by making them more friendly, and you implicitily tell hos players that while you’re more then capable of dealing with emergencies, you shouldnt be in this state 24/7.

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