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Ling Intestinal Snake
I was watching a Wizard round the other day and thought it would be incredible if the Ling could make a hive member into a snake-like critter using his intestines. I can't think of other organ related critters to make a bigger post with or what functions the snake can perform, so any suggestions or criticisms below would be VERY welcome!
I love this. Having more limbspiders/lingcritters is definitely a good move. Maybe make it like an anaconda that can squeeze people or is really good at grabs or something. Of course, the biggest issue is having a sprite for it.

We do have some snakes for wiz that pali made, like you mentioned, using that as a base would be good.
I also had an idea for changeling snake critters, but instead of intestines, it would be from spawning a handspider while having a tendril arm or being in horror form, and it would have been part of a larger idea revolving around different kinds of limbs changing the critters spawned. In this case, due to tendril arms requiring spending DNA or being a shambler, tendril-snakes would have been all-around stronger than most other limbcritters, with them being able to inject small amounts of neurotoxin with each bite or jump onto people's necks to strangle them.
Over the last week or two, I have made some sprites for the intestinesworm; a lot of the discussion around the worm's appearance was held in Imspriter, but I feel I am happy with this version of it:
[Image: Draft2.gif]
(Link if the image embed fails: Draft2.gif (640×1600) (
Further feedback would be much appreciated.

As for my own ideas surrounding the worm's abilities, I feel it should be more of a utility lingcritter, meant to be paired with other critters, or to help their master. To this end, I feel it should have the ability to wrap itself around a victim's arms, legs, or neck, respectively either handcuffing them, shackling them, or leaving them unable to talk in more than a whisper, but not outright strangling them. The victim may resist and attempt to break out, similar to escaping handcuffs, and upon successfully breaking out, it should kill the worm. The worm should also have the ability to release the victim, avoiding being killed, but the cooldown on the abilities should prevent the worm from immediately jumping back onto the victim.

It feels right to say that the worm should be as fast as an eyespider, and have similar health to a handspider. As for movement restrictions, it wouldn't be able to move through airlocks, but other critters and mobs shouldn't block its movement.

Another idea I had in regard to passive abilities, is the worm could be able to slither through disposal and postal chutes, similar to how an arcfiend moves through wires.

I've already started working on the basic code for it, so suggestions for abilities and its general role as a lingcritter are welcome.
What if it left blood smears/ooze as it slithered around? Or maybe spit a temporary blinding chem (no damage) as an extra utility. It would be cool if it could travel through toilets as well, sneaky snake would easily fit into pipes! I'm toying with the idea of them inherently tripping people walking past/on them similar to the weird chair that trips people in maint, but I feel like it could be extremely powerful and I know nothing of balancing things.

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