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Trait Redo 2: Wired & Fast Talker
Broke down a trait I suggested the other day into something more reasonable. I don't know how to balance the trait points, so I left out any suggestions of what they could be. Any suggestions, additions, critiques, or ideas for new traits in general are very welcome in the comments. Thank you!

Better keep up with that sweet tooth of yours.

  • Spawns with candy, energy drinks
  • Starts with a caffeine/sugar addiction (permanent?)
  • Feeding the habit gives a slightly bigger boost for using caffeine/sugar
  • The addiction causes bigger downsides (sluggishness, drowsiness) when left alone

Fast Talker
Sometimes your think faster than you can speak.
  • Can proununce words wrong (rearranged spelling)
  • Sometimes gasps when speaking
  • Chance to remove spaces and make strings ofwordsgetbunchedtogether

Had to remake the thread because of some weird spacing shit it was doing to the post, sorry!
Cue Michael Rosenbaum,”Nice”
For Fast Talker maybe - and I have no idea if this is possible - have it so that the game forces an always-on predictive text parser.
I like both of these although I’d vote towards making the caffeine addiction less like a basic addiction (lots of puking and what not) and more towards drowsiness (like what you get before RP ling sting kicks in) and related abilities, with late late stages possibly causing fainting
Wired with a sugar addiction could be gamed heavily with Cyber Pancreas, since it funnels infinite sugar and glucogen into you. Maybe just a caffeine addiction.
(04-04-2022, 01:50 AM)RGBDeadSilent Wrote: Wired with a sugar addiction could be gamed heavily with Cyber Pancreas, since it funnels infinite sugar and glucogen into you. Maybe just a caffeine addiction.

Or just have the required dosage increase as you take more of the sugar. (To represent building up a tolerance.) That means that while it would work for a while, pretty quickly you'd be requiring an absurd amount of sugar to avoid the addiction's issues.

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