Usual character name: Curie de Roussillon
BYOND username: stuck_in_void_HELP
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Corva#6824
Recommended by (if applicable): Tavish Finnegan
Goon servers you play: Heisenbee
Reason for application: Security makes a difference. It can be a round-changer, for good and bad. Whenever I play as security and there isn't a HoS around, things are usually a lot more confusing and a bit chaotic. Teamwork is harder, though not impossible, to pull off. I want to be able to help in that regard.
Another reason has to do with one of the worst rounds I've had. There's just something utterly unpleasant about seeing Security abuse their powers. In that round, I was a HoP witnessing three security officers auth the amory, get a bunch of shotguns, and run around the station shooting people left and right. Criminals and non-Criminals alike. They never messed with me, but several people told me they had been shot, sometimes for no reason, sometimes for trying to help the victims. We had no HoS that round who could wrangle them and demote to staffie for harming a significant number of crewmembers.
We needed someone who could provide appropriate in-game measures to restore the round to an enjoyable experience to everyone.
That's what I want the most. I want to be able to participate more in keeping bad security officers in check. I want to be able to do more, to actually help, instead of just being a witness to events like I was that round. I want to be a part of the justice process, to ensure everyone gets fair treatment and isn't over-brigged.
(And yes, I did ahelp the issue, and I'm confident it was resolved by the admins as I've never seen those people again.)
Security experience (300 word minimum): I started playing security a couple of months ago. The very first round was an impulse decision: the job had just become available and I decided to try it out. But immediately upon spawning in I began to worry about the responsibilities of the position. "Oh god, I'm not knowledgeable enough, not robust enough, my ping isn't low enough, I'm gonna do a horrible job!". I spent a good 5 minutes freaking out about this before deciding to just do my best and let the chips fall where they may.
What I experienced that round, and (almost) every Security round since, was just pure enjoyment. The job is so much more than just fighting antags, and most of the time it involves doing a lot of talking, which I like. The great majority of what I do in every sec round, almost without fail, is just extending a helping hand - things like opening doors for people who are stuck somewhere, helping people who've gotten aggroed by monkeys and are losing the fight, guiding someone who's lost to where they want to be, and surprisingly it also involves teaching a few people the very basics: As a security officer, I've taught people how to use the radio and how to make requests to the AI.
I've always chosen support roles when playing other online games, and SS13 was no different. When I started getting bored of doing chem, I played a few rounds as doctor and QM because I wanted to, well, "play support". After playing a few rounds as security, I realised that sec is the greatest support job of them all.
That's because there is a structure to rounds - a meta structure. There are many things to consider in order to have a happy, fun, healthy round. Security isn't there to stop the crimers, per se, it's there to ensure that the round is fun. You need the antags, and the antags need you. It's like a comedy routine, where two great comedians play off of eachother to get the audience to laugh. If one of the comedians arrests the other before the show gets going, it's not very fun for anyone. Security has to give the antags breathing room, to allow them to do their thing, not only because antags make a round fun, but also because rolling antag is rare, and ruining someone's antag round is shitty.
That's been my experience as security. Learning a lot, and teaching a lot. It's been pretty good.
Answer two or more of the following:
The advice I have boils down to a few major points to keep in mind when playing sec:
As a Security Officer, you have a great deal of power and responsibility, as well as the tools that allow you to exercise that power. You have to understand that you have more - and are capable of more - than the average crewmember. That is no excuse to have a superiority complex. You don't have to be 100% friendly all the time, but you DO have to have at least a basic amount of respect and manners when talking to people. Security Officers who behave in a hostile manner, making threats towards crewmembers and throwing insults around, can and will ruin many people's rounds. So will officers who just seek to brig people because it's fun or funny to them. Getting brigged when you did nothing wrong is a seriously shitty experience. In a game that allows so much freedom, to be locked in a small room with few amenities is... really bad. Be mindful of that.
TL;DR: Having fun is important. But your fun isn't more important than other people's fun. Don't use your authority and tools to have fun at the expense of crewmembers. They're also people like you, playing a game to have fun and unwind. Don't ruin it for them.
At roundstart (or when you join late) you have a disk on your backpack and a token in your pocket. Put your ID card inside the PDA, and put the PDA on the ID slot to free up your belt. Use the token on a Sec Weapons Vendor to get your gear (i suggest the Suppression kit with the Taser SMG) - once you do that, a Pinpointer will spawn on top of the vendor. Take that. Put the disk on the table and go find a labeller - there's always one around. Label the pinpointer with your name and leave it on the table also.
TL;DR: disks and labelled pinpointers on the table, please.
Why? It makes it a lot easier on the rest of us. Lost your baton and/or taser? The pinpointer will show us where it's at. Got gibbed/died in space/got killed somewhere unreachable? We can use your disk to clone you even though we don't have your body. Help us help you.
Seriously. You don't need to cover every possible eventuality. Leave some open space on your backpack/belt to confiscate items and an open pocket for the emergency oxygen tank.
Don't run around with those in your hand. All it takes is a slip and someone will take your baton and run away with it. Keep it safe and secure inside your belt.
Every round that I decide to actually use the ticketing feature becomes a good round. That and that one round where I had to mediate two crewmembers' dispute over a stolen artifact and one of them tried to debate me into letting them go. It produced this pearl of an interaction (paraphrased because it's been so long):
-"You can't arrest me for this, it'd be double jeopardy!"
-"Sorry but I don't watch TV."
-"That's ok, more and more Space Americans are cutting the cable these days."
Pinklady Pomegranate more like Debatelady Steals-Your-Artifacts-Granate. That sounded funnier in my head.
I'd appreciate more util-category items on the vendor. Right now I'm taking the same loadout every single time: Suppression, Donuts, and extra power cell. Would be nice if the vendor dispensed things like a box with 5 Synthflesh mini-patches, Styptic Powder and/or Silver Sulf grenades, a pouch of firefighting grenades, a fire extinguisher, and other useful items.
Some not-useful items would be great as options too: a "replica gun" modelled after the Haine gun
that makes the vox "shoot" sound (you know the one) and shoots spitballs at people dealing 0 damage - reloaded with paper, thus infinite ammo by issuing citations, that are now 10x more insulting.
I don't have as much time to stop and chat - as I usually do - when alone. Even in the aforementioned example for a favourite sec moment, I only allowed myself to have a full-on conversation when I was sure more officers had joined the round. Rounds when I'm the only sec officer are rounds when I'm trying to cover most of the station when patrolling, trying to reach more places, and making more use of the AI.
When i'm part of a full team, i have more time to talk to people, to respond to not-so-urgent requests for help, to stop and teach someone how to do something, to push Tavish around and fart on him, to get pushed around and farted on, etc.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
It's time to play Security,
And i've spotted the Clown;
He stinks of Impurity,
As he moves around town.
Alarms ring across the Station!
Here's the latest information:
NukeOps have been Spotted!
And their course has been plotted.
They make a dash towards the Chapel,
Where the chaplain seeks comfort in Faith,
The Nukies have got him in a grapple!
I bet the chaplain wishes the gamemode was Wraith.
From the armory we've gotten everything,
And we're now ready to fight.
Even though we're fighting a scary thing,
We're going to try with all our might.
Most of Security's now dead;
Oh my God, is that someone's head?
Just as i thought the battle was lost,
Through the battlefield... someone has crossed.
The fight isn't even fair.
The Clown kills without care.
A nukie's entrails flies through the air.
The commander had no time to prepare.
Damage to the nuke they cannot repair.
The Clown has all the glory and he shouldn't share.
Space Walmart Presents: McSecurity Department!
Every time a Security Officer speaks in an official capacity, they have to pepper their speech with "Mcs" and corporate marketing catchphrases. Example:
"You're under McArrest. You have the right to a McLawyer. Anything you McSay or McDo can and will be McUsed against you in the Heinz-Exclusive THUNDERDOME OF JUSTICE®."
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None.
thank you for taking the time to read all that.
BYOND username: stuck_in_void_HELP
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Corva#6824
Recommended by (if applicable): Tavish Finnegan
Goon servers you play: Heisenbee
![bee bee](
Reason for application: Security makes a difference. It can be a round-changer, for good and bad. Whenever I play as security and there isn't a HoS around, things are usually a lot more confusing and a bit chaotic. Teamwork is harder, though not impossible, to pull off. I want to be able to help in that regard.
Another reason has to do with one of the worst rounds I've had. There's just something utterly unpleasant about seeing Security abuse their powers. In that round, I was a HoP witnessing three security officers auth the amory, get a bunch of shotguns, and run around the station shooting people left and right. Criminals and non-Criminals alike. They never messed with me, but several people told me they had been shot, sometimes for no reason, sometimes for trying to help the victims. We had no HoS that round who could wrangle them and demote to staffie for harming a significant number of crewmembers.
We needed someone who could provide appropriate in-game measures to restore the round to an enjoyable experience to everyone.
That's what I want the most. I want to be able to participate more in keeping bad security officers in check. I want to be able to do more, to actually help, instead of just being a witness to events like I was that round. I want to be a part of the justice process, to ensure everyone gets fair treatment and isn't over-brigged.
(And yes, I did ahelp the issue, and I'm confident it was resolved by the admins as I've never seen those people again.)
Security experience (300 word minimum): I started playing security a couple of months ago. The very first round was an impulse decision: the job had just become available and I decided to try it out. But immediately upon spawning in I began to worry about the responsibilities of the position. "Oh god, I'm not knowledgeable enough, not robust enough, my ping isn't low enough, I'm gonna do a horrible job!". I spent a good 5 minutes freaking out about this before deciding to just do my best and let the chips fall where they may.
What I experienced that round, and (almost) every Security round since, was just pure enjoyment. The job is so much more than just fighting antags, and most of the time it involves doing a lot of talking, which I like. The great majority of what I do in every sec round, almost without fail, is just extending a helping hand - things like opening doors for people who are stuck somewhere, helping people who've gotten aggroed by monkeys and are losing the fight, guiding someone who's lost to where they want to be, and surprisingly it also involves teaching a few people the very basics: As a security officer, I've taught people how to use the radio and how to make requests to the AI.
I've always chosen support roles when playing other online games, and SS13 was no different. When I started getting bored of doing chem, I played a few rounds as doctor and QM because I wanted to, well, "play support". After playing a few rounds as security, I realised that sec is the greatest support job of them all.
That's because there is a structure to rounds - a meta structure. There are many things to consider in order to have a happy, fun, healthy round. Security isn't there to stop the crimers, per se, it's there to ensure that the round is fun. You need the antags, and the antags need you. It's like a comedy routine, where two great comedians play off of eachother to get the audience to laugh. If one of the comedians arrests the other before the show gets going, it's not very fun for anyone. Security has to give the antags breathing room, to allow them to do their thing, not only because antags make a round fun, but also because rolling antag is rare, and ruining someone's antag round is shitty.
That's been my experience as security. Learning a lot, and teaching a lot. It's been pretty good.
Answer two or more of the following:
- What advice would you give to other sec players?
The advice I have boils down to a few major points to keep in mind when playing sec:
As a Security Officer, you have a great deal of power and responsibility, as well as the tools that allow you to exercise that power. You have to understand that you have more - and are capable of more - than the average crewmember. That is no excuse to have a superiority complex. You don't have to be 100% friendly all the time, but you DO have to have at least a basic amount of respect and manners when talking to people. Security Officers who behave in a hostile manner, making threats towards crewmembers and throwing insults around, can and will ruin many people's rounds. So will officers who just seek to brig people because it's fun or funny to them. Getting brigged when you did nothing wrong is a seriously shitty experience. In a game that allows so much freedom, to be locked in a small room with few amenities is... really bad. Be mindful of that.
TL;DR: Having fun is important. But your fun isn't more important than other people's fun. Don't use your authority and tools to have fun at the expense of crewmembers. They're also people like you, playing a game to have fun and unwind. Don't ruin it for them.
At roundstart (or when you join late) you have a disk on your backpack and a token in your pocket. Put your ID card inside the PDA, and put the PDA on the ID slot to free up your belt. Use the token on a Sec Weapons Vendor to get your gear (i suggest the Suppression kit with the Taser SMG) - once you do that, a Pinpointer will spawn on top of the vendor. Take that. Put the disk on the table and go find a labeller - there's always one around. Label the pinpointer with your name and leave it on the table also.
TL;DR: disks and labelled pinpointers on the table, please.
Why? It makes it a lot easier on the rest of us. Lost your baton and/or taser? The pinpointer will show us where it's at. Got gibbed/died in space/got killed somewhere unreachable? We can use your disk to clone you even though we don't have your body. Help us help you.
Seriously. You don't need to cover every possible eventuality. Leave some open space on your backpack/belt to confiscate items and an open pocket for the emergency oxygen tank.
Don't run around with those in your hand. All it takes is a slip and someone will take your baton and run away with it. Keep it safe and secure inside your belt.
- What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
Every round that I decide to actually use the ticketing feature becomes a good round. That and that one round where I had to mediate two crewmembers' dispute over a stolen artifact and one of them tried to debate me into letting them go. It produced this pearl of an interaction (paraphrased because it's been so long):
-"You can't arrest me for this, it'd be double jeopardy!"
-"Sorry but I don't watch TV."
-"That's ok, more and more Space Americans are cutting the cable these days."
Pinklady Pomegranate more like Debatelady Steals-Your-Artifacts-Granate. That sounded funnier in my head.
- What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
I'd appreciate more util-category items on the vendor. Right now I'm taking the same loadout every single time: Suppression, Donuts, and extra power cell. Would be nice if the vendor dispensed things like a box with 5 Synthflesh mini-patches, Styptic Powder and/or Silver Sulf grenades, a pouch of firefighting grenades, a fire extinguisher, and other useful items.
Some not-useful items would be great as options too: a "replica gun" modelled after the Haine gun
![gon get shot watch out gon get shot watch out](
- Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
I don't have as much time to stop and chat - as I usually do - when alone. Even in the aforementioned example for a favourite sec moment, I only allowed myself to have a full-on conversation when I was sure more officers had joined the round. Rounds when I'm the only sec officer are rounds when I'm trying to cover most of the station when patrolling, trying to reach more places, and making more use of the AI.
When i'm part of a full team, i have more time to talk to people, to respond to not-so-urgent requests for help, to stop and teach someone how to do something, to push Tavish around and fart on him, to get pushed around and farted on, etc.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
- Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
It's time to play Security,
And i've spotted the Clown;
He stinks of Impurity,
As he moves around town.
Alarms ring across the Station!
Here's the latest information:
NukeOps have been Spotted!
And their course has been plotted.
They make a dash towards the Chapel,
Where the chaplain seeks comfort in Faith,
The Nukies have got him in a grapple!
I bet the chaplain wishes the gamemode was Wraith.
From the armory we've gotten everything,
And we're now ready to fight.
Even though we're fighting a scary thing,
We're going to try with all our might.
Most of Security's now dead;
Oh my God, is that someone's head?
Just as i thought the battle was lost,
Through the battlefield... someone has crossed.
The fight isn't even fair.
The Clown kills without care.
A nukie's entrails flies through the air.
The commander had no time to prepare.
Damage to the nuke they cannot repair.
The Clown has all the glory and he shouldn't share.
- What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Space Walmart Presents: McSecurity Department!
Every time a Security Officer speaks in an official capacity, they have to pepper their speech with "Mcs" and corporate marketing catchphrases. Example:
"You're under McArrest. You have the right to a McLawyer. Anything you McSay or McDo can and will be McUsed against you in the Heinz-Exclusive THUNDERDOME OF JUSTICE®."
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None.
thank you for taking the time to read all that.
![space bear space bear](