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BYOND Username: JackTrysGames
Character Name: Myth Aria Riker (former)
Usual character name: Myth Aria Riker
BYOND username: JackTrysGames
Discord username (if you are on our discord): MythUntilProven#7656
Recommended by (if applicable): DisturbHerb and Bourbon Bob
Goon servers you play: GS3/Morty or GS4/Sylvester, depending on whichever one has the higher pop
Reason for application:
Heads of Security usually mean the difference between Sec forgetting key details/accidentally permabrigging people and memorable rounds where Sec saved a dozen lives by thinking it through. I've spent a lot of time leading teams of Security Officers as jobs that reasonably shouldn't do that (Detective, mostly), so I decided it might be a good idea to apply for the position that normally does that stuff.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
I started playing Det a couple of weeks after originally downloading SS13, because I had heard it was a quieter Security job... in a way. You aren't technically part of Sec as a Detective, after all, but they treat you like you are. After a while, I scaled up to Security Officer, often doubling back to Detective due to my real world experience with firearms. I've had experience with negotiating with antags, creating and growing RP opportunities, but I also have experience in taking down ones that weren't RPing. As ironic as it is, in the latter situations, I'd often be the one leading the charge- even though I wasn't technically a part of Sec half the time.
Teaching new players, dealing with greytide and people with grudges, and following along with the antags that actually want to make it fun for everyone- That’s all pretty much in the job description on RP. What isn’t? Dealing with murderhobos. So when the officers are cowering in fear because some guy with a Cyalume is stalking the hallways… You can count on me to be there giving instructions. Even if I’m a lowly Det.
And yeah, I always try to talk it out first. It’s just that you can’t expect that to work every time. Sometimes, the baton has to come out. And when it does, I won’t hesitate. I’ve seen plenty of officers fail because they thought they could reason with everything. And you can’t. You’ve gotta be prepared for when (not if) reason fails.
However, my best rounds on the Sec team were when a Head of Security or NTSO lead the charge. Folks that aren’t afraid to take the spotlight. It’s the difference between a group of staffies in red jumpsuits and a well-coordinated law enforcement team- a qualified leader. So here I am, writing an application to turn my impromptu leadership into something real.
Answer two or more of the following:
- What advice would you give to other sec players?
Communication is key. Remember to check in on frequency once in a while, and as they say, "If you see something- say something!" Going radio silent stifles roleplay opportunities, and may or may not get you killed. Speaking of which, label your pinpointer. Seriously. Do it.
- What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
It was a round on either GS3 or GS4. Someone found a headspider just running around asking people if they "wished to become God", so I was ordered to follow it by the AI, alongside another officer. It then proceeded to infest a Boxer who answered "yes" and declared that they "were now one", falling back into Maintenance. Hilarity ensued as Sec tried to track it down.
- Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
With a full team, I stick to Sec, taking a front desk position, checking in with the others over radio and in person, generally making sure everyone's alright.
Alone, though, it's a different story. I'll usually pick an entirely different loadout (SMG instead of Wavegun, Donut/NVG instead of Donut/DisruptorCell) and go on frequent walks. After all, the station won't keep itself safe.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
- What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Probably an LA Noire style investigation. Flashing a badge and declaring that I'm a part of "NTPD", and carefully inspecting each piece of evidence. Vehicle chase scene may or may not be included.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
90% sure that the only ban I have had so far is my current 3 day ban. Might be wrong, though. I'm not sure how to check.
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BYOND Username: Merlin1230
Character Name: Bourbon Bob, Leonardo Vanbaradi
Just so you know, I didn’t recommend you for HoS. I just told you to go for it. Since I have my own app up I won’t comment more then that.
Posts: 36
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BYOND Username: JackTrysGames
Character Name: Myth Aria Riker (former)
02-19-2022, 03:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2022, 03:17 PM by JackTrysGames.)
(02-19-2022, 03:16 PM)Merlin1230 Wrote: Just so you know, I didn’t recommend you for HoS. I just told you to go for it. Since I have my own app up I won’t comment more then that.
Oh, sorry. I'll remove the name then.
...wait, I can't edit the post. Oh dear.
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BYOND Username: Waffleloffle
Character Name: Jory Clements
-1. no. absolutely not, at your current state as a player. would not trust you with the role at all whatsoever.
first of all, you have a habit of singling people out outside of rounds in the discord. this can range from people who you really just should've ahelped and then put out of your mind, to other regulars who you put on a pedestal as some Pinnacle Of Robustness, to (most alarmingly for a potential HoS) new players. you seem to loathe any player who dares to cross your path without knowing what they're doing, which is extremely unconstructive for ANY member of sec, let alone the HoS. the HoS is there to teach sec just as much as they are to lead it, and your failure to grasp this doesn't bode well for your prospects.
speaking of, I have never observed you having a particularly strong grasp of what it means to be part of a sec team, whether it was a round I was in or one I was spectating. granted, detective on its own isn't exactly the most conducive role for intense teamwork in sec, as they'll sometimes just ignore you. however, from this app, your view of teamwork seems to amount to "one guy gives the others orders, which they mindlessly carry out". this is not the case. a good HoS is not The Guy That Orders People Around so much as a coordinator who knows how to stay on top of things, who trusts their officers' abilities enough to be able to note people's strengths and weaknesses and delegate instead of being the Big Name Hero who Had Their Goons Stop The Evil.
reapply once you're able to view the role as something other than a chance to be The Hero and I'll consider it. but presently it's clear that you're not fit for it whatsoever.
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BYOND Username: Nefarious6th
no for aforementioned reasons; conduct in-round isnt overly concerning from what I've experienced, but post-round things start to fall off with exclusivity, hostility towards new players, and targeted statements
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BYOND Username: Leeanei
-1 Need more security experience, detective is not a full security job in my eyes and rarely has to deal with everything a security officer does. Also have strong misgivings about your overall temperament and I don't feel so confident that you do, as claimed, lead security as detective from the rounds I've seen and played in with you.
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Just saw you say mentors denied your application on the Discord, really disapprove of you acting like that. You have a large narcissistic chip on your shoulder you need to flick off before you're ready to wear the beret.
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BYOND Username: saccharineChampion
Having seen your recent Discord posts that Cal refers to, I would urge you to more thoroughly consider the responses you have received so far.
To quote the Discord posts:
Myth Riker Wrote:And in the end, it was yours truly that filled in for the HoS, stopped The Defacer, and (possibly) saved the day.
So take THAT, Mentors that denied my app for HoS.
The negative feedback you have received so far has overall been due to a focus on being "The Hero" to the exclusion of valuing teamwork and leadership - actual leadership, not just being in a position to give out commands - and due to out-of-game temperament. While I don't have the full context for the round that occured, the former half of the quoted post strongly suggests not accepting the first part of the feedback, while the latter absolutely demonstrates a lack of improvement of attitude.
On top of personally having seen your overall hostility and targeted statements, as others have mentioned, I'm confident saying no, -1.
Please understand that negative feedback is not your enemy. People aren't out to "deny your app" just for the hell of it, and have given you direction on what to improve upon. Qualification for HoShood is not just about being good at the game and saving the day; as a whitelisted role, you are expected to act in a manner people can look up to. HoSes do, after all, somewhat represent the community.
I hope you can come to accept the validity of the criticism you have received. We all have the room and the ability to better ourselves.
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BYOND Username: Walpvrgis
Character Name: Cygnus Gwyllion/Chant du Cygne, BAPHOMET, Yarrow Thornapple
02-24-2022, 07:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-24-2022, 07:56 PM by walpvrgis. Edited 2 times in total.
Edit Reason: grammar
-1. Seeing that message on discord (as quoted above by Connie), I can't say that I'd be comfortable with you in any kind of role where you would represent our community at this time. You have a pattern of targeting other players unfairly OOC (including in a vague, passive-aggressive way such as that "mentors" comment for example) and as such I can't trust you to be a fair presence while playing whitelisted roles. Additionally, the distrust of newbies I have seen from you suggests both that you are unwilling to be a guiding presence for new security players, and that you may also engage in favoritism of perceived "regulars".
As an aside, I have witnessed/experienced what I describe personally, both while random-naming security AND at least one round playing as HoS while you played as Detective.
In the future I suggest you take the feedback you have received more seriously, rather than something to disprove.
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BYOND Username: Drewmajor11
Character Name: Echo Five
I admittedly have not played with you but your attitude on discord is just all wrong.
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BYOND Username: KingMorshu552
Character Name: David Cain, Seras Kilgore
I'm going to have to -1 this for now, but I'd like to offer you some constructive criticism and advice. I'm also not going to comment on the Discord issues, since that seems to have been covered in full.
First, I've only seen you play detective and cannot recall you ever being an officer. Some demonstrating your behavior as actual officer would help paint a clearer picture of how you would operate and show knowledge of the job. I've also found you tend to lack some communication about, well...everything. I've seen you do solid detective work, but it's a 50/50 shot if I actually know what you're up to. Often, you do not respond over comms when folks are checking in, or let the team know what you're doing. There have been multiple times I've thought you went AFK or left the round due to no communication, only to see you walking around silently some time later. Being ready to help investigate, checking in and keeping in touch would be something to implement into your play.
Secondly, I think an entirely different approach and attitude is needed for HoS. One of the best pieces of advice I got was: "Sometimes the best leadership decision you can make is taking a step back to let others shine." Seeking the spotlight and looking to be hero isn't usually great for a round, especially if the entire security team is taking a backseat or a good story is being shutdown because of it. As HoS, you have a lot of control over the flow and direction of the round, and helping enable or enhance a story playing out should be at the forefront of your mind. As has already been mentioned, a HoS should be someone to look up to for an example of positive play and a welcoming attitude, as they do represent the community. Waffle said it best about leadership in their second paragraph, and I think taking that to heart would also be a good idea.
I hope this is well received and you take this as an opportunity to learn and grow.
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BYOND Username: Bigbro175
Character Name: Felix Azazel.
-1 From me.
Today I'v had a really poor experience with you that unfortunately kinda represents the issues stopping you from becoming HoS. To be a good leader you really need to be able to just sit back and let the ups and downs flow over the team. Does someone make a mistake? Do your best to teach them what they've done wrong and more importantly how to correct their mistakes. Today we had an incident where you didn't believe I took a situation in the robust way you thought it should have been and kinda flamed me for it. If it wasn't me instantly going to tasers/stun sticks after having a non-compliant crew member it was for my choice of weapon. Though I wasn't super appropriate in how I attempted to talk to you after you didn't really show me that you had any intention of hearing out anything I had to say by choosing to walk away while i'm talking to you. I'm not saying you need to sit there and listen to people be mad at you but you really just gotta pick sit there and squash it or move on and forget about it. Letting disagreement linger on the tip of your tongue and slip out in passive-aggressive bursts only propagates people's anger towards one another and overall isn't a healthy way to play the videogame with your friends. THOUGH in the following round you did present yourself in a much better way and I seriously can't say you didn't! I thought it was going to be back to bickering and lightly nipping at one another and it was a pleasant surprise that we were able to work together for a short while before I had to leave.. Though I have played with you a few times and this hasn't been the case.
You seem to have this energy about you that reminds me of the people who only play rogues in DND, you sit back and watch everything unfold in front of you but only really seem to step in when it seems beneficial for you. Sec did a really good job? Step up and talk about how you did really well and were a hero. Sec did bad? Passive-aggressively talk to the crew about how you dislike the security team or just generally float around with a negative attitude. To me this is honestly the biggest thing holding you back.
Jocko Willink (bald navy seal guy you see in all the youtube videos) says that the leader serves the group, not the other way around, and if done correctly it's as if you were never even calling the shots. The only apparent time someone has been given orders to do something is when stuff is FUBAR. Being able to shrug off the blows from the failure of your team is ESSENTIAL for people to follow behind (or in front if its the time and place!) you! When you have people under pressure that are under you, you really gotta show them that they are allowed to learn around you, and that means making mistakes. Why would I think you are someone I should listen to if the moment crap hits the fan you're gonna fade off into the shadows and act as if you weren't a factor! A leader needs to be an anchor that the team can rely on at all times no matter how rough the tide gets, when push comes to shove you stand up and be the big strong guy you gotta be. But when things are calm you gotta sink back into the reef and let the ocean do what it do. As stated by the others above and myself you don't really have that quality and it's really detrimental to your potential as an applicant in my eyes.
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BYOND Username: Shiiba
Character Name: Apollyon Baphomet, Forty Winks
I really have debated for a while about commenting on your app. But I had enough experiences recently to finally decide to put in my two cents.
I don't think you would be good for HoS.
Your attitude towards new players and new people in security doesn't sit right with me. I was wondering if maybe that attitude would change for the better since a lot of people already spoke about your attitude once you submitted your application.
It hasn't changed and that attitude is just not the attitude a HoS should have. Could you imagine getting hired at a brand new job only to get talked down by your boss because you don't know how to do everything the moment you got hired?
Not everyone that joins Space Station 13 as an all knowing god. Not everyone that joins security as the most perfect player. People need to be given a chance to learn and grow and all you do is tear those people down. You don't try to help better them, you complain vocally over comms in game and in the discord.
Just today alone, I late joined on a round on 3. It was on Horizon and the first thing I was greeted to was you actively calling everyone else on security, shit. Do you know how frustrating that can be for new people who are trying to learn? You do not offer them the chance to learn and grow. You talk them down and don't give them a chance. Hell, even the round after you were a Captain and immediately got to shit talking anyone new on security like 5 minutes into the round.
The final thing I wanna touch on is recently it feels like I, specifically, am being doted on the most by you when you're detective or captain. You call for *me*, for *Lupus*, when there are certainly others capable of responding to a call. I don't know if that's just me but it's something I feel I've noticed recently, especially after you put your application up. Give others a chance, don't single one person out specifically to handle a situation when you are most likely able to handle it yourself.
So, once again, no. I do not think you have the attitude for a HoS and really would not want to see you as one either. Can that change? Yeah, if I saw improvement in your attitude, but definitely a no from me right now. It's so disheartening to see new people get put down by others, vocally in game and OOC. Everyone deserves a chance, they deserve a chance to learn and grow. We all make mistakes, but that doesn't mean we'll continue to do those. Putting others down isn't gonna help them grow.
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We have decided to deny your application due to negative community feedback and concerns around your attitude + conduct + playstyle. Please don't reapply for at least six months (September 2).