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Syndicate Rapier (idea by Hans)
Because you have a lot of ranged options as a Traitor, and not a lot of melee options.
The Rapier would come with a sheath, similar to your average katana.
However, whereas the C-Saber is designed for brute damage and the katana is designed for delimbing...
The Rapier is designed to be used defensively. Counterattacking and deflecting.
[Image: rapier_274788602.png]

RESISTing with it would (instead of blocking) hold the weapon at a low ready.
This would give you a chance to deflect or dodge melee/throwing (not ranged) attacks, with a decent chance to completely reflect them back at the attacker or counterattack.

Special attack, like the shinai, changes depending on intent.

HELP intent: Low damage. Rapier is held in a downward-facing position.

DISARM intent: Medium damage, high chance to disarm opponent. Rapier is held to the side.
If you are attacked on DISARM intent, the opponent receives a counter-attack automatically.
When viewed from the side, it is held diagonally downwards.

GRAB intent: Medium damage, sweep attack. Rapier is held diagonally upwards.

HARM intent: High damage, lunging attack (You move one tile forward, then attack two tiles ahead like a standard spear attack). Rapier is held upwards.

Maybe the Captain's Saber could also use this sort of system, to allow actual duels and to make the Captain's Saber more viable.

 Hans aka colossusqw#3116 came up with the original idea. This is my variation of it.
Seems like a niche that doesn't need to be filled tbh
I mean yeah it's a niche but its also fun. If someone made a nice sprite for it, it might be cool.
It would be better word wise to be a Syndicate Sabre tm or something haha, but i think new stuff even if its niche is always cool.
i think you could just remove all the complicated stance stuff and make it a cheap melee weapon that doesnt hit real hard but could buy a lot of time when switched to block (perfect for monologuing)
an intent based weapon similarly to the kendo swords could be really cool honestly, probably would need some more implementations prob
I think coding intent-based weaponry was always the intent behind the kendo swords to begin with.  Don't think the coder is around anymore though.
Idk about the other stuff but in the game Brogue I’ve always enjoyed the rapier mechanic that made you attack in the direction of your movement after makinga step. If done properly I think that could be fun in SS13 too.

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