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Revolutionized Eggs (Rev Purchase)
    Revolutionized Eggs (name pending), would be an egg-cellent traitor item specific to revolutionary heads and job specific only to Staff Assistant, Chef, Clown and rancher with a price of 5 TC (could get eggs-changed for a better price).

    Its a red carton of eggs with a big white R on top, with eggs resembling the heads of the station (As the eggheads they are). When thrown at a person without eye protection that is non-loyal, the egg will turn that yolked person into a revolutionary, leaving behind an eggs-ploded mess on the floor. When eggs-amed it would read ''Great when poached or scrambled!'', but for the carton ''A clutch of eggheads in a box!''

    This would be a great start to hatching your plan on the revolution and turn it the sunny side up. With its unnoticeable noise and eggs-amplary range, it can in no doubt yolk someone to the face and make them crack up with joy.

this hurts to read
i like it
this is egg-cellent
this is ss13
imagine if this was added it revs people who eat food made of it
Yes. This is amazing.

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