01-22-2022, 11:35 PM
Yeah, this is something I'd really like to fix, but I'm not sure what the best solution is. Being one armed should not make you "immune" to being restrained with handcuffs. The problem here is with having one arm, not the trait itself (though I should have fixed the problem before making the trait, maybe I'll just remove it temporarily if I can't find a good solution soon)
I feel like TDHooligan's idea of aggressive grabs on one-armed people fully restraining em would be too debilitating to them since it can be pretty easy to land an aggressive grab. I'm partial to Haprenti's idea, but I'm worried it might requires a lot of hijinks to do code-wise because I know some of the code that handles that sort of pull/grabs/buckling stuff is old as heck. But I'll have to see. Though I still think the easiest thing to do as a stop-gap is my original idea of having the sprite just look like it's cuffed to a jumpsuit(if it exists) or ankle(if it exists), but that is kinda messy too, I don't love it.
I feel like TDHooligan's idea of aggressive grabs on one-armed people fully restraining em would be too debilitating to them since it can be pretty easy to land an aggressive grab. I'm partial to Haprenti's idea, but I'm worried it might requires a lot of hijinks to do code-wise because I know some of the code that handles that sort of pull/grabs/buckling stuff is old as heck. But I'll have to see. Though I still think the easiest thing to do as a stop-gap is my original idea of having the sprite just look like it's cuffed to a jumpsuit(if it exists) or ankle(if it exists), but that is kinda messy too, I don't love it.