HOS Application: Monkey D Luffy!
BYOND username: riolusx2
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Monkey D Luffy
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Mostly 1, but occasionally 2 or 3 if I die early, and 4 if I want to screw around.
Reason for application:
As a true random job main, I have seen a whole lot. And while I’ve always had trouble with sec, I’ve never directly hated them. I believe that as a person who has seen a lot of what this game has to offer, my experience as playing different roles will help me as Head of Security. Simply put, I want to be HOS because it’d bring diversity to my playstyle and I’d bring diversity to it’s playstyle. Also, it’d give me an option besides staffie for joining mid round.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
300 words? I mean, even my college essay had a 250 word limit. Oh well. I guess I can try. When I first became a secass, I was shit at it. I threw around random jail times, and I harmed without permission. I even accidently choked a dude once. But as I grew, I learned from my mistakes and became a somewhat good security player. Now I’m the voice of reason in a crew of newer players, even helping a couple new guys with arrest statuses while playing inspector as a gimmick. Of course, I’ve still had my down rounds. (Not a sec round, but I borderline lynched a guy via ai commands for stealing my gun as captain. I stepped down after I realized I had no control over the situation, and really regretted my actions afterwards. Didn’t help that I had IRL problems then as well.) I’ve also been on the wrong end of security. At least 30% of my engineering rounds have been as a traitor. I suck at traitor, but that because I suck at secret keeping and hiding. However, I use microbomb implants quite frequently, and I have punished bad security for harmbatoning me. The worse they treat me, the stronger the bombs are. This has shown me that there’s an actual upside to brigging folks rather than senseless slaughter. I also am an avid wiki reader, and thus know a lot of random things. Most of all, I am a secass zenmaster. When I am secass, I genuinely act as the voice of reason to sec. Either that or I play Paul Blart mall cop until I find a crime. The only thing I’m really bad at is combat, but even then my skills are progressing. You would not believe how many officers lose their baton via slipping or such. I used to be one, but now I’m not anymore. One last story before I end this section. One time, one guy stole my belt while I was afk. I tracked him down to a pod where he boarded. I boarded as well, but he threatened to fly forever. Fortunately, I was able to access the controls of the pod to turn the air off and force him to either stop or die. I had an oxymask. He did not. He died of lack of oxygen, while I got my stuff back. I gave him a choice, as he could have deboarded the pod and turned himself in anytime, but he did not. That’s my whole view of security. We always choose mercy, it’s the criminals that seal their own fate.
Sorry If I bored you.
Answer two or more of the following:
What advice would you give to other sec players?
Okay, since the last part was a literal wall of text, I’ll be quick.
  1. Don’t execute criminals. Not only is it illegal without perms, it’s a major microbomb hazard.
  2. Remember proper jail times. Even attempted murder is only 5 minutes in the brig.
  3. Don’t carry your baton out in the open. The clown will steal it.
  4. Don’t use the harmbaton on anyone unless you absolutely know they are an antagonist.
  5. Respect the secass flash. It’s essentially a tazer extension, and can be used on weaker targets without worry of it being stolen.
  6. Shit always happens on the shuttle. Always. No exceptions. Be ready.
  7. Learn how to manage arrest statuses.
  8. If you see a ling, it’s not revs.
What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
Oh! The time I was sec during an Ozymandias playthrough. It’s not a good sec story, because I play on goon 1 primarly and rp nonsense is toned down there, but it was fun. I was patrolling the new map because ozy is not on the normal map rotation and I discovered a boss gauntlet in the wrestling ring. A bad sec would have walked away or stopped it because it was fighting. But a good sec always knows that if somebody is willing to die messing around, they should be able to as long it doesn’t break any rules. So me being me, I joined in. This lead to us fighting the giant enemy crab and the whole station getting attacked by crabs. I eventually became Monkey Bones: Wight detective. I died again, but that round was one of the funnest I ever had, followed by the new years day omniantag round and the high preist rp round. I think I met satan then.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Once again, I have multiple.
  1. As a sec assistant, se the flash as a sonic screwdriver, get HOP to change your name to The Doctor, grab a staffie assistant to be your companion, and try to resolve antagonist incidents peacefully.
  2. As a officer, act like one of those cops from those 80s cops shows.
  3. Use the Segway to be like paul blart mall cop.
  4. Columbo. Problem is, you actually have to be a good detective for this one.
  5. Get the entire security department to become superheros, and form the shitsec league.
  6. Get the spiderman mask, and secretly be spiderman.
  7. Feed deepfried contraband to a captured antagonist.
  8. Play chess with some inmates.
  9. Visit the radio host to do a PSA!
  10. Host a fake antag party as a sting.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I’ve been warned twice for some mild sex jokes. Entirely my fault.

Well, here goes nothing.
haven't seen you in action, but anyone who sees the roleplay servers as places where they can just screw around in comparison to the classic servers automatically strikes me as a person that can't really be trusted to handle themselves with the responsibility that the position of HoS demands.
(01-19-2022, 10:28 PM)Waffleloffle Wrote: haven't seen you in action, but anyone who sees the roleplay servers as places where they can just screw around in comparison to the classic servers automatically strikes me as a person that can't really be trusted to handle themselves with the responsibility that the position of HoS demands.

By screw around, I meant try more RP heavy gimmicks or experiment more with the games functions. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be May 5. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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