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I need help )=\
I need an  admin to review my appeal (Glu banned by (I forgot who)) surprised fat and sassy space-bee surprised fat and sassy space-bee surprised fat and sassy space-bee surprised fat and sassy space-bee surprised fat and sassy space-bee surprised fat and sassy space-bee surprised fat and sassy space-bee surprised fat and sassy space-bee surprised fat and sassy space-bee surprised fat and sassy space-bee
I can see you're really eager to play and get your fix of Goonstation again, but, please, hold on. I know it might feel like getting a response to your appeal is the most important thing in the world right now, but try to see it from our side. We basically admin in our free time here: we have family/children/pets, studies, housework, etc. to tend to, and these take priority over what happens here. In particular, Walpvrgis, the admin who banned you, has an actual job. Making these posts is not going to make Walp's work day go any faster or otherwise open up more free time.

I can't attest as to whether or not walpvrgis has seen your appeal or not, but speaking on general basis, every appeal gets looked into at some point. These things take time, and while it might not seem like there's much going on, there's a fair bit going on behind the scenes, even if you can't see it. So, if you feel you're being ignored or left behind, I assure you, you're not.

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