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Assday replacement
Effectively, every month (or every other month, just any appropriate time interval really) on, for example, the first Saturday or something, a special day however, unlike assday, it would consist of no special changed game mechanics such as a vote for everyone being traitor, however just a constant day of special game modes and other fun stuff which people usually have to get lucky to experience. For example, game modes like podwars, football and battle royale and other events would run (alongside normal rounds or normal rounds with perhaps more unusual/gimmicky aspects to them) for this day. Not much detail in this suggestion because its more of a thing to be built on further and the concept is pretty simple.
assday could be annually on january 13; as the thirteenth day of the thirteenth month of the year.
It would not be popular. Nobody wants to play football or pod wars all day
(12-27-2021, 10:51 AM)Froggit_Dogget Wrote: assday could be annually on january 13; as the thirteenth day of the thirteenth month of the year.

[Image: OWOF3Gkf5RPjjb5nN6TsnfCtqc4=.gif]

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