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Late-join Job Idea: Pet Detective
I posted this in the Discord but i've been told this is the best place to post ideas.

The Pet Detective would basically be to Detectives what Part-Time Vice Officers are to Sec. Off. - a simplified version not meant to be taken too seriously.

The Pet Detective would always spawn with a Hawaiian Shirt, Wild Hair, and have ", Pet Detective" appended to the end of their name.

It would spawn with  a forensic scanner, vocal translator, and banana. Possibly with a NT Badge as well.

It's access would be: Detective's Office, Medbay, Genetics, Morgue, Research Corridors, Maintenance, Handling of Contraband Permit.

Why should this be added?: It’ll offer a second Detective role to those who late join and miss out on Detective. Him having less access and less tools will avoid him stepping on the ACTUAL Detective's toes too much. Additionally the job is perfect RP primer as animals roam the ship everywhere.

Some additional ideas that I don't really think work for the job but I wanted to throw out there as they fit Ace Ventura in the movie:

-When someone aims a kinetic weapon at your head, you have a chance to catch the bullet with your teeth - stopping damage and dropping it.
-Bats are hostile towards you.
-Monkeys are less hostile towards you.
Alright take care now. Byebye then.

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