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[MERGED PR] New spacelubed floor animation
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About the PR
Adds a new animation for lubed floor tiles. This is in response to some discussion when the floor tile resprite went through, and also a previous thread on the forums.

I've modified this quite a bit based on feedback, however there is still a shine animation; this is to give it some visibility over lighter tiles (such as medbay, etc).

[Image: 140721459-9f703cef-f9ca-4801-9968-1a23d2dd9801.gif]
[Image: 140721474-d272f6ee-3930-4429-8186-aa72760bff50.gif]
[Image: 140721489-e1e782b7-45c1-4662-9b62-edb38d9ee811.gif]
[Image: 140721497-8e39f5ae-132d-46db-abc2-62c969a407eb.gif]
[Image: 140721502-c3ce7e33-25b9-49b7-b207-67825deaa264.gif]

(Keep in mind these gifs aren't perfectly timed, so any stuttering/weird timings is probably just where the gif loops, oops)

Why's this needed?
Some players mentioned that lube was hard to see on the new floor tiles, also player feedback in general re: spacelube visibility.

This might not be the right solution to the presented issues [here](, but I actually started this a couple of weeks ago and figured I'd PR it as an option!


(+)Replaced the spacelubed floor tile effect with new art; should be easier to see on resprited floors now.

Also I think Flabo mentioned that lube always appearing as a 2x2 tile square might look strange on floors such as grass or dirt, and I'm not able to fix that rn (this is just a sprite swap and doesn't involve any code), but imo that's not too much of an issue as this is just kind of a representation to let people know the floor has some shenanigans going on. Shrugs!
I think it moves alittle too quickly but other than that I like it
(11-06-2021, 09:30 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: I think it moves alittle too quickly but other than that I like it

I agree, a bunch of other feedback suggests making it less opaque too, so I'll make an updated version later/tomorrow. bee
It feels a bit too game-y to me, the sprite itself, I mean, while the idea behind it is good, I think as discussed less opaque and slower would be great. A static version might even be better, just as if it were a still shine, and maybe less clear edges so that it looks less custom-fit for the tiles, if you know what I mean
Updated the PR (and gifs above as a result) with a second pass at the animation. Defs let me know what you think. Sleeping bee
Yeah I like the new ones much more.
I think it looks great, it might be just a little too obvious on the grey tiles though.
Updated PR again (sorry, animated things always have 34765 revisions Morty ). Azrun made a great code suggestion that applies a blend mode to the animation, making it a bit more subtle, but still readable. I've kept the shine animation for now; it works nicely for floors that the pulse animation isn't that visible on (see images 3 and 4) but I'm not particularly attached to it, so I'm down to remove it if it looks a bit weird still. :P

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