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Zombie mode community ideas and thoughts thread.
The zombie game mode type which I hope will be coming at some point has many ideas but can be confusing to to balance and make sure it plays different from the other modes. I want to hear all your ideas so we can make this mode great.

Current ideas that are likely to be in the release if it does get a release: NPC and player zombies, players being able to hop between any NPC zombie, mutations, Players being able to somewhat control NPC zombies, Wave system (maybe) where all the zombies spawn and get stronger in waves (not confirmed but I like the idea) 

I wanna hear all your ideas about what this game mode should bring so feel free to share any you have!
there is also the idea of NT dropping weapons in so the survivors have something to fight with
i made this thread to hear the communities ideas and thoughts about possible mechanics suggestions or overall thoughts on it in general so if i could here any ideas you might have that would be great
Zombie has the potential to be intresting, but also has the potential to be incredibly repetitive since zombies are fairly simple. You walk up to stuff and attack it. Something that could be intresting is more types of zombies?
I mean that's the norm for stuff like Left 4 Dead and Cataclysm DDA and whatnot. To be fair, I think the idea kind of has potential since like while we do have stuff like Revs and Golems, we don't really have an antag type that's both a group of players like Revs or Nukies plus NPCs like Golems.

EDIT: To clarify, yeah, I imagine it could work well by doing it almost L4D style. The generic zombies are NPCs as they are now, but the special zombies are player-controlled like in L4D.

Maybe have it that the players are like ghosts/blob minds can 'possess' a regular zombie, turning it into one of the special infected. Whenever they die, there's a cooldown before they can respawn/possess another zombie. That way the crew can try and quickly kill the mob before more player controlled, stronger, zeds spawn in.
it wouldn't be as repetitive as say call of duty zombies were the only goal is to survive as long as possible players can still build or make things, they can plan with their departments or go at it alone and try to steal a weapon drop or something.

i Had this idea what about some antags still being able to very rarely spawn IE, a traitor in a department with a goal like get bit but hide it from your team or lead all your team into an ambush, as well as some others, or a changeling sneaking away from the group to snag a kill on a lone person, or maybe vampires trying to make their own zombie army to contest the other zombie army. or what about whole other game modes antags like nukies they spent like 20 minutes prepping and they break in and the station is full of zombies (they are just playing left for dead while the regular survivors are playing survival horror) or maybe wizards you know stuff that is rarer then a the normal mode would be maybe have them in two separate modes like: Zombies (Normal), Zombies (Action), Zombies (Nuclear Emergency) something like that.

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