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Advanced Engineering equipment.
This PR is mostly for me to get suggestions and feedback, please comment additions below because I am very uncreative.

The basic premise of this is as follows, mining currently does not offer much benefit to the crew, they really only tend to benefit cargo and borgs. To promote interdepartmental cooperation, we therefore need to give them more ways to help the crew, and thus we need to give more crew usage for mining mats. This is about the usage of said mining mats, notably for engineers. For how these recipes will be accessible by engineers, plan on using manudrives, which are explained in more detail here: However this thread isn't about that. Currently I have a few ideas of things of what can be done for that.

Things Im pretty sure I want to include:

Fabbable RCDs and RCD charges, while these recipes already exist in game, engineers dont really have access to mining fabricators. This would just solidify RCDs as being something engineers can get ahold of.
Heavy firesuits, plenty of maps dont have these and all around these things are pretty nice, engineers being able to get a hold of these things seems good.
Engineering Industrial Suit: Basically an indy suit that trades the explosion resistance of one for more fire resistance. With it being a 0 slowdown spacesuit that offers complete radprotection and good fire resistance, itd be highly convenient for singulo and TeG work. 

Things I'm iffy about:
Advanced deconstruction device, decon device that basically will do the welding, wrenching, etc for you. Leaning towards no for this one as it seems too niche.
Low slowdown magboots: self explanatory, doesnt seem super useful for engineering work and moreso useful for powergaming.
Oxygen grenade recipe: leaning towards no to this one, would depromote mechanics and cargo interaction.

Please Please please suggest wacky shit, this stuff right now is fairly boring and is basically just x but better. So uhh yeah.
How about a gun that accepts red oxy and metal foam grenades as ammo and shoots them, prehaps causing them to detonate as soon as they hit something and not just have a timer. Niche? probably. Cool? yes.
Doesnt seem useful outsde of being a shitty riot flashbang launcher, its only usage would be combat practically speaking.
wouldnt the riot launcher do that
Riot launcher would do that

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