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Monkeys and Flashbangs
As a monkey I secured a box of flashbangs. I went to take one out of the box, and the sprite disappears out of the box but does not appear in my hand. Figuring the sprite was glitched I hit pagedown to activate the ghost flashbang in my hand, however that didn't work. I close the flashbang box, and open it again and the flashbang box is full as though I'd never taken anything out.
Sounds like someone else may have picked up the box of flashbangs at the same time. Duped items behave a bit silly.
Nah, it's a monkey thing. They can't take syringes out of boxes either.
or swallow pills
I pretty sure they can grab syringes from boxes. I remember routinely going into medbay as a monkey, grabbing a box of syringes and throwing them at people in medbay from beneath the table.
Nubcake Wrote:or swallow pills

Unless monkey code was recently fucked with (past 1-2 weeks) this isn't the case because every time i would monkey myself in genetics i would have to use the anti-tox pills to heal the radiation since the syringes wouldn't work.
bubs Wrote:Sounds like someone else may have picked up the box of flashbangs at the same time. Duped items behave a bit silly.

Infinite fixed the duped items bug.
Monkeys don't seem to die from inhaling plasma.
Monkeys can put guns into rechargers but can't pull them out.

They also can't input anything into AI law modules that take data (freeform, makecaptain, etc.)
This needs testing, does this still happen?
I don't think monkeys can pull people either, but that might be on purpose.
From what happened to me, monkeys cannot simply slap a healing patch of any sort onto themselves. If it's a feature, it is pretty silly, especially considering how weak they are. I imagine that using the same code for human using patches could be used on monkeys to fix that? And maybe the problem with taking things out of bags/boxes?

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