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Portable Mini-fridge & Warming oven
What would this add?
A mini-fridge for the bartender and a warming oven for the chef that would add a more centralised and organized way for the bartender and chef to store their food/drinks. With also making it more easy to transport their good around to station in bulk to share. 

Mini-fridge: ''A cool and refreshing place to put drinks in.''
It would be somewhere in the bartender territory with 5 beers already in it. It would be a bulky item which takes both hands to hold and you can put it on your backpack slot. You cannot access the mini-fridge while its on your back, but instead you have to place it down on the floor and open it to access its inventory (similar to putting down a personal laptop and opening it then only being able to use it).

The mini-fridge should be able to hold 15 containers (drinking glasses, beakers, coconut shells, artifact containers etc. and anything that is normal sized and below). It would reject any items that are not containers. It would also cool down everything in the containers to 250k by 10k each.

It can be scanned with a device analyser and it would cost:
5 conductive metal
5 glass
10 metal

If Emagged: ''A cool and refreshing place to put drinks in, it looks like its leaking.''
It will cool down every container in it to 0k by 20k each. The item restriction would be removed and it would accept any normal sized item and below. It would as well randomly leak cryostylane 5 units either on the current tile its on or a random tile surrounding it.

[Image: 81uf8aq1ItS._AC_SL1500_.jpg]
(A similar depiction of the mini-fridge, can look different in-game)

Warming oven: ''You can feel heat radiating off of it, is this thing even safe?''
It would be located in the kitchen, it would be a large non-handheld object that can be pulled around. You can access its inventory by just clicking on it.

The warming oven can hold 20 food items and it will reject anything put into it that isn't a food item for the exception of plates. It would also warm up donk pockets (taking 5-10 seconds after 1-3 minutes it would become a scalding donk pocket).

It can be scanned with a device analyser and it would cost:
15 conductive metal
10 glass
20 metal

If Emagged: ''You can feel yourself burning around this, this thing is definitely not safe!''
It will incinerate items any items put in it to ash in 15 seconds. The restrictions of items of what can be put in it would also be removed and any large or lower hand-held items can be put in it. If empty you can put 1 body in it (alive or not) and it would take 1 minute for it to incinerate, the body inside would experience 20 burn damage each second, if alive the person can move a tiny bit and the body will be ejected. The body can also be ejected by interacting with it.

[Image: 000000024972361-00000-20160223.JPG]

(A similar depiction of the warming oven, can look different in-game)

[This is just an idea I really liked and wish it would be added to the game considering I don't know how to code/sprite nor would I be interested in doing that.]
I like these ideas, wouldnt be opposed. Maybe a vending machine with wheels even
this is quite a neat idea, only question is who will code it and who will sprite it
I can already imagine the bartender proudly carrying the mini-fridge with those 5 initial beers – a true mobile bar! And the chef with the warming oven, ensuring all the delicious food stays hot and ready to serve. The mechanics seem well thought-out too, requiring both hands to carry the fridge, and the need to place it down to access its inventory. It adds that extra layer of immersion. The fact that the mini-fridge can cool down items to 250k by 10k each is a great detail! The only thing I'm worried about is whether I'm sure there won't be regular breakdowns? On the other hand, I know specialists who can help. If you need help, you can check out their website at And the emagged version adds a whole new level of chaos, with leaks and random cryostylane surprises!
I don't see why not? Great for traveling merchant types.

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