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Split the nukeops utility purchase into two
Right now it seems like the most purchased utility items are the anti-slip boots or the donk pocket.  I don't even remember the last time I've seen sarin, for instance.  Splitting the utility purchase into two groups, one containing the things that get bought a lot and one containing the things that don't get bought a lot might let more niche items have a chance to shine with a minimal impact on balance.

Or maybe not, who knows.  I do know I've had ideas for utility purchases that would be fun to use/play with that I haven't suggested because well, what's the point when there's the boots and the donks?
Gannets talked about this but was concerned about balance.
I think making some things a 1 cost and some a 2 cost would simplify it. Have to choose between anti slips or two useful items.

Potential other stuff:
Single EMP grenade.
Combat boost autoinjector (same chems as adrenaline rush genetic power, not actual stims).
I mean consider how much blood gets poured in syndie rounds. Anyone NOT taking nonslip boots is a fool
Yeah, doesn't matter if you increase the price to 2 for the anti slip, everyone will also still buy that anyways. Infact, it should be the default shoes for nuke ops and just leave us with 1 token to buy something else.
(06-25-2021, 12:38 PM)RGBDeadSilent Wrote: Yeah, doesn't matter if you increase the price to 2 for the anti slip, everyone will also still buy that anyways. Infact, it should be the default shoes for nuke ops and just leave us with 1 token to buy something else.

(06-25-2021, 11:07 AM)KikiMofo Wrote: I mean consider how much blood gets poured in syndie rounds. Anyone NOT taking nonslip boots is a fool

See, the thing is you can also just walk, and depending on what you're doing in a nuke round, walking is just fine. If you're staying by the nuke and defending it, there's really not much to be gained by moving slightly quicker, and in that case there might be a better purchase option.
I 100% absolutely, and completely agree with ya Frank.

Unfortunately, from what I've seen, no one actually walks. They'd rather murder the cause of their slippage than click the little run and walk button.

I know this because someone attempted to murder me because I left banana peels everywhere.
I mean walk button doesnt protect against banana peels does it?
It does
When did it start doing that? I coulda swore before bananas made you slip no matter what.
They've done it for a while.

I even laughed with someone else on the same round how people are in such a hurry all the time over said banana peels.
You can still slip if you are moving in a direction then 180 and move in the opposite direction while walking. It's actually based on speed/changes in speed now vs run or walk.
I never take noslips. I always get the donk. A second chance is way better then dying cuz someone shot you or something. Walk works fine, be cautious and robust with your movement. Also the knife is really pog rn, but its extra move speed is hell for slipping. I used it once going on a lap around donut3 shooting everyone but it probably wouldnt be very practical with a team you cant trust to defend the nuke. Then honestly you should get a pouch of sarin grenades. Just one isnt worth a util. Syndie fanny pack would be good if it had an insane number of storage slots. Storage is a common issue in nukies, so to just solve that problem with util would be huge. The balloon nuke should be plantable anywhere on station and give the real message, because rn it has no use

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