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BYOND Username: ExplosiveBlackhole
Character Name: Rosan Cap
basically the idea for my idea of space pirates is this,
A number of pirates spawn in a pirate ship at roundstart, Each pirate is equipped with a pirate coat(reskinned body armor), energy cutlass(20 brute weapon that causes bleeding), energy flintlock(self recharging, short range, high damage gun), and a teleport implant(allows pirates to teleport back to the base after a short delay)
The pirate base has a command teleporter area with a security camera console. The pirates can enter the station through this tele and come back to the ship with the tele implants.
Pirates would get a list of players they can kidnap. A pirate can kidnap a player by teleporting back to the ship while having an aggressive grab on the target. Kidnapped players are instantly killed and the corpse is teleported into cargo or medbay after a 10 minute delay.
For every successful kidnapping pirates get coins. They can spend coins at a console to get gear such as improved weapons, better armor, utility items, etc.
Objectives would be something along the lines of “Kidnap X crew members”. Assassinate high value targets such as the hos, captain, hop, etc. Hijack the escape shuttle so only pirates escape on it.
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BYOND Username: Rilor
Character Name: Jack Lloyd
this could be an intresting idea, especially if cruisers fixed and implemented
Posts: 77
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Character Name: Filthy Steve
I like this idea! Although what are pirates if not about booty and buried treasure!? I could also seem them having objectives to steal money from the station and/or valuable objects. Also maybe having certain locations on the station where buried treasure spawns so they have to go pry up the floor tiles to try and find it. Like I imagine in the latter case the information about the buried treasure might be vague; 'there's buried treasure in the Chemlab!'
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BYOND Username: Flappybat
We once had a gang round with a treasure chest in the armory and sec became cowboys. It didn't work well with gangs but the idea was good enough.
Problem with just a chest laying around makes it too obvious what mode it is and the target location, so I think Filthy Steve's idea is great. Use this special shovel in X room to dig up a treasure chest and make off with it. Like some kind of hit and run nukies but you have to move the objective out of the station. We just need to make sure borgs can't just easily run off with it like tended to happen to the nuke.
Possibly could keep giving you different locations each time you take a chest back to the pirate ship (or a timer expires?) so you try to build up a tally rather than "one and done".
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BYOND Username: Brixx79
Character Name: Brixx Borisson
I had worked on an idea like this so I'll repost my stoof:
Pirates are a poorly armed group of bandits raiding the station. They'll start weak but ramp up if the station doesn't fight back. They have a moving schooner base that can teleport around to a few areas outside the station, but doesn't move. Starts with some very weak turrets but can be upgraded.
The pirates take debilitating attributes to get more points. Eg: A pegleg, eye patch, hook hands, etc. They can use the points to get ore and make custom weapons (was part of my mat sci overhaul idea). Each pirate has a reclamation device that will slowly teleport items from the station to their schooner's hold, and are rewarded points based off it's manufactured materials. The crew can attempt to raid the schooner to get back items, so spending points on defensive turrets or leaving crew behind will be needed; Weakening your offensive force.
The goal is to either kill off/capture all the pirates or to have X value in the schooners hold.
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BYOND Username: alyasgrey
Character Name: Charles Tucker/Doctor Science PhD
Gonna do a little brainstorming here...
Rather than killing, perhaps they can be given stun weapons and restraints with the goal of either carrying players back to their ship or confiscating items to redeem back at the ship. Perhaps heirloom items and certain hats could be considered high value items. To discourage indiscriminate killing there could be an automated ransom system for players that teleports crew back to the bar area or arrivals shuttle after they are scanned on the pirate ship. Ransoms should be tied to a player's initially chosen role. Perhaps even the AI could be a potential very high value ransom. Jumpsuits, breath masks and oxygen tanks should have zero value to discourage completely stripping players.
Give the pirates an item that when used on QM/Genetics/Payroll consoles siphons money from the cargo/research/payroll budgets relatively slowly with some sort of alert given to the crew that this is happening.
Pirate goal would be to acquire a certain amount of money... legitimately thinking on the order of hundreds of thousands of credits. The money could be redeemed for things like improved energy cells, special pirate-themed pods, ship improvements(thinking blueprints or box-frames for things like chem machines/cloning/botany gear) and some special fancypants clothing options for high-tier pirate flexing.
Pirates should have access to their own radio studio with access to some sea(space?) shanties to annoy the station with. I mean, if you have pirates you gotta have pirate radio.
Maybe there ends up being some sort of endgame in the event the pirates succeed in making enough money the shuttle is auto-called and now the crew must try to escape. Now... two separate ideas here. Either the pirates get access to special pods equipped with ship's cannons to do a little rampaging during the shuttle call period... OR the pirates get access to special pilotable escape pods that allow them to attempt to board the escape shuttle while in hyperspace and redirect it via the escape shuttle console to wherever it is the pirates come from for a total victory.
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BYOND Username: Rilor
Character Name: Jack Lloyd
Again, this would be epic with cruisers, since the base would actually move and not just teleport, i think cog mentioned that they had the capcity to be upgraded and have diffrent weapons and stuff. Wether or not that actually still works is unknown but assuming it could be fixed thatd be neat. annother thing is aparently various parts of this ship could get damaged when it gets attacked which could be neat. The pirate cruiser would have a console you could buy stuff in, a ransom capsule, crates to store your plunder, various slots for guns, engines, ect. enough space to shove extra stuff in, and some other neat things like a keg of rum