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[CLOSED PR] hops naval jacket now on every map
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About the PR
this change removes code so the naval coat the hop has is present and worn at round start (like how the manta jacket is worn at roundstart) on every map.

Why's this needed?
hop could use more personality, and the naval jacket is something unique and distinctly hop, it also gives more clothing options for the hop, to express themselves with.


(*)Hop now wears their manta jacket on all maps

yeah id be ok with this
NO. Only for underwater maps. Add the jacket to Oshan
(06-14-2021, 07:49 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: NO. Only for underwater maps. Add the jacket to Oshan

I understand that you think it should be waterlocked, but seeing as the hos cape (which is a far worse charecter breaking item for them to have, seeing as capes are noble and just and the hos is a by any means necessary character, complete polar opposites) was added to all and not just water locked, I think there's precedent for it, besides hop does need a coat, and the hop coat is... well definitely hop. I think its just a simple thing to give them some more options, which is never a bad thing
The HoS's cape isn't called NAVAL cape tho, if you are gonna put it in space maps the name should probably be changed. Also, the coat does look weird, the front view looks squary. Unsure if Manta loosing unique stuff is a big deal, imo the only thing manta has going for it is the unique stuff so it might be a problem if it loses it.
i like it
space fleets are often referred to in media as a navy, often use similar rankings (admirals) and phrasings(bridge, fleet), so "naval jacket" is actually quite fitting in a space setting for a member of command
Unique stuff for maps is good.

Add it to Oshan if you like - but it does not fit the space maps.
If anything HoS should get a special space suit for space maps

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