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Give the Syndicate Pod a fucking lock
every single round some fucking moron syndie takes it, gets out and dies and then the station take the pod and win

pod vigilanteism is shitty enough without this
Weavel Wrote:every single round some fucking moron syndie takes it, gets out and dies and then the station take the pod and win

pod vigilanteism is shitty enough without this

While I agree that people in pods with weapons are annoying as fuck, it isn't really shitty to do since some syndolt left it where it can easily be found. Just beat the shit out of them if you seem them do that, but I don't really see a need to put a lock on it.
No, giving the pod a lock is a great idea, and since it's a syndicate pod you can get creative with the antitheft system (electric shocks, unstable mutagen, STABLE mutagen, etc)
Mindslave implant injection, you want to use the syndicate's stuff? You BECOME the syndicate.
Zed Xionova Wrote:Mindslave implant injection, you want to use the syndicate's stuff? You BECOME the syndicate.
People will do what they did in Alien.

I dunno about you guys but i always take the weapon system out if i leave the pod and take it with me, alternatively, allow the pod to teleport back to the syndicate base or something
The only reason I'm saying no lock is the only antagonist item that really has an anti-normal dude lock is the wizards staff of Cthulhu, and it costs him a spell point to get. Essentially he's giving up an actual spell for the lock, so there is some risk reward type of thing.

The pod is free, and is simple to hide and keep people you don't want in out. If a lock was added, all it would do is make the pod even better because 98% of the crew can't fight against it. There is also no risk reward for having a lock, you're getting something really good for free that isn't necessary other than to hold your hand because mean old jerks keep stealing the pod when you leave it parked directly in front of securities windows.

Pretty much what I'm saying is is that the pod in and of itself is a risk/reward type of thing. Risk getting it stolen to be rewarded with shotgunning people in the face. Take away the risk and it's just really boring to use and boring to deal with on the other end. It'd be like putting a traitor lock on every traitor item that shocks normal crew when they try and touch it - it'd be super fucking lame.
Just have like a car alarm wich notifies syndicates
I think a handheld key would be cool. Having a lock would encourage the syndie to jump out and fight the crew, atm they are forced to roam around the outside of the station to prevent podtheft. This way, if you kill the syndie in question, you can still get into the pod. If you find an empty pod, you can always just shoot it/bash it to death.

This would also cause the syndie some problems because as we all know, inventory space is at a premium when a syndicate, so having another thing to lug around will cause you to have to make some decisions.
PeacekeeperPete Wrote:I think a handheld key would be cool. Having a lock would encourage the syndie to jump out and fight the crew, atm they are forced to roam around the outside of the station to prevent podtheft. This way, if you kill the syndie in question, you can still get into the pod. If you find an empty pod, you can always just shoot it/bash it to death.

This would also cause the syndie some problems because as we all know, inventory space is at a premium when a syndicate, so having another thing to lug around will cause you to have to make some decisions.

I like that.
everything that kills me should be nerfed - weavel
PeacekeeperPete Wrote:I think a handheld key would be cool. Having a lock would encourage the syndie to jump out and fight the crew, atm they are forced to roam around the outside of the station to prevent podtheft. This way, if you kill the syndie in question, you can still get into the pod. If you find an empty pod, you can always just shoot it/bash it to death.

This would also cause the syndie some problems because as we all know, inventory space is at a premium when a syndicate, so having another thing to lug around will cause you to have to make some decisions.

Luv it
Doesn't stop assistants crowbarring it open and stripping it for parts, though! v
Handheld key would be neato
You could retool the Syndicate Remote for this.

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