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Some ideas for security pop.
I have a few ideas that i think would improve main. 
First of all, vice officers suck. They are only on saturdays, which we get higher population, but they arent equipped to deal with stuff. Instead of having extra people in sec on saturdays that cant do anything, how about we remove them. However, saturday does have higher population, so sometimes you need more security. This leads me into my second point, Have the amount of security be based on population size. Sometimes in the early morning, ill witness a full sec team on 35 pop, (hos, ntso, 5 sec, det, secass), which is 11, or a good most of the station during these lower population sizes. When you have an overwhelming amount of security on lowpop, it leads to rounds where the antags dont feel comfertable doing anything. However, it goes backwards too. Sometimes when we surpass 100pop, there isnt enough sec to deal with everything. We pass 100pop most on saturdays, where theres vice officers, but since they got nerfed down, they cant help much anymore. I think sec should scale with pop size, so that there isnt too many, or too little.
Ever since Vice officers lost their tokens I don't think they have been screwing antag balance over much, as per the sec ammount scaling with pop, I agree with that, antag ammount scale with it, would make sense for sec to also scale with it.

Another good idea would be to instead make random antag and stuff like that more common depending on the ammount of sec officers.
the only thing they mess with balance is revs, just extras that cant be revved, but they also feel like just extras in sec that arent usefull, its like lawyers but ... different
Personally, I think Vice officers oughta not be immune to being traitors. They're Vice squad, those guys are always shady
It's probably time they were removed as Sec Assistant took over any functionality a Vice Officer would logically have.
I don't think Vice Officer should be removed, as it's a fun gimmick role. Perhaps the number of VO slots should be reduced, considering we have plenty of slots for Officers and Security Assistants already.
(05-24-2021, 04:50 AM)getbrecked Wrote: I don't think Vice Officer should be removed, as it's a fun gimmick role. Perhaps the number of VO slots should be reduced, considering we have plenty of slots for Officers and Security Assistants already.

I could agree with this. turn VO into a once-in-a-while gimmick slot like the other gimmick jobs, now that we have like 10 security slots by default not including lawyers

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