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Should the NT loyalist trait prevent you from becoming a revhead?
Currently it does. It's an odd bit of undocumented behavior from who knows when, and while it sort of makes sense, it's also weird to lock people out of an antag role with a seemingly unrelated trait.

I have a PR up currently which documents the behavior, but I can change that to removing it if people would prefer. Just posting a thread to hear opinions.
I thought NT Loyalist just gave you the NT beret?
(05-15-2021, 05:18 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: I thought NT Loyalist just gave you the NT beret?
[Image: unknown.png]
Mysterious happenings!
Mysterious happenings! I think it could stay, it's kind of goofy and makes sense, I guess. I think it's enough of a trade-off for the hat, but maybe the point value needs to be considered instead since it's kind of a limitation on the gameplay you can get involved in? 

(Is it a -1, I can't remember? Maybe it's worth a 0? The normal hat trinket trait is also a -1, but that doesn't restrict anything about your gameplay and even sometimes helps granted you can roll syndie/turds hats and stuff; so to me, the restriction on the antags you can play feels like very much a Negative Thing that would even this out to a 0, but that's something I'm not like, totally sold on, y'know?)

I think adding a note to the description in some manner is still really good but I also assume there'll still be new players who pick it and play a while with it without ever realizing that it does block you from being a rev, simply because. Cool Hat.
It's kinda silly and awkward that a trait that gives you a funny hat also outright locks you out of an antagonist role.
no definetly this shouldnt be a thing. revs already cant rev all of security, and all of command, and anyone with sunglasses, and anyone loyalty implanted. revs win like sub10% of the time when theres a hos on, we shouldnt make it so a trait can basically invalidate a whole gamemode. while we're at it make it so det and vice's can become revs too.
(05-15-2021, 07:12 PM)Froggit_Dogget Wrote: no definetly this shouldnt be a thing. revs already cant rev all of security, and all of command, and anyone with sunglasses, and anyone loyalty implanted. revs win like sub10% of the time when theres a hos on, we shouldnt make it so a trait can basically invalidate a whole gamemode. while we're at it make it so det and vice's can become revs too.

The trait doesn’t make you immune to revving, it just prevents you from rolling revhead currently
oh. good. still.. let the det and maybe vice's be revved. theres too many people immune to being revved.
turns out the variable doesn't do anything i think? it's just there to be confusing and pretend to have a function. also the logic surrounding it makes no sense. idk consider this thread resolved
thank you for your time and attention to it anyways Mysterious happenings!

Edit: cant_spawn_as_rev is the var used on to restrict revs tho so confused
I think I would be fine leaving this in if there was a Rev equivalency with it's own hat, the player incurred some negative status while not wearing the hat, and the wording of the trait was more explicit.

Maybe the "Can't be reved/loyaled" bonus only applies when the hat is on?
I like this cause it's just a whacky joke. It's not good game design though, but I can live with that for the sake of "goonstation" flavor.

That said, I think it can be changed in a way that preserves the joke. First one that comes to mind:
- Let NT Loyalist trait holders spawn as Rev Heads, but your NT hat instead gets replaced with a new syndicate beret. Hopefully there will be a funny message sent to the player too.
Seems like Kyle beat me to the general idea, but I'd love for the rev beret (berevt?) to be a defaced NT beret with something like "actually, fuck Nanotrasen" for a description.
"What did it take for you to turn from a die hard loyalist of NT to wanting them dead? Was it the chef's cooking? The Captain's nonsensical orders? One too many pies from the clown? Whatever it was, it tainted the water."

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