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[MERGED PR] Lowers the space of fanny packs to 5
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About the PR
Lowers the slots in fanny packs and funny packs from 7 to 5. This does not lower the amount of space in the syndicate belt pack.

Why's this needed?
Fanny packs are very very good belts that have no real restrictions or difficulty in getting. They currently are functionally the same as a backpack except you can also wear a backpack as well as a fanny pack. I believe these should be toned down slightly as to be not as good as a backpack.


(*)Made fanny packs (not funny packs) only have inventory 5 slots.

I still don't see an explanation for this.
Who is impacted by this, how does the meta change, why do you want the meta to evolve this way?
What is the purpose of nerfing them?
IMO this is really good, we have an entire system of belts that are able to hold certain things specific to them but it's totally pointless when there's an objective 'best' option. Though I think the clown's funny pack should stay at 7 (the one's QMs can buy are already nerfed to only hold 3) since that replaces their backpack. Same with the syndicate ones, evil people get perks.

More interesting to choose between belts that can hold more small items or fanny packs that can hold fewer but larger items. Also makes the clown a target for good loot which I like (like mordent said on the gh)
(05-15-2021, 07:42 PM)penny Wrote: I still don't see an explanation for this.
Who is impacted by this, how does the meta change, why do you want the meta to evolve this way?
What is the purpose of nerfing them?

Fanny packs are completely and entirely better than all other belts in the game (aside from the CE's belt). For example: Security belts have the special ability of being able to hold security weapons among other small items yet the fannypack can hold all the items a security belt can as well as large items such as space suits. They functionally negate anything special about any other belt in the game due to their ability to be an exact copy of a backpack but on the belt.
Given that the entire station has maybe one or two of seven slot fanny packs, why aren't they already a target for crime?
If it's so much objectively better?
They are, people rush the fanny above the bar in cog1 all the time and if I see a funny pack from a dead clown, I take it Mysterious happenings!

I like this change; I agree with Flabo. Why have essentially a Better Belt that doesn't inherit any weight class restrictions. I also don't wanna see FannySec anymore or whatever either.

EDIT: Related but not important, tourists also roundstart spawn with a fanny and no backpack ? maybe if fanny pack sizes get reduced we just give them a normal backpack? Where else am I supposed to store all my photos of bees?????????

Otherer Edit: tbh i wish i knew how to make wearing a fannypack incompatible with wearing a backpack because if i knew a lick of how to do that, i would recommend we Do That; like, the satchel also functions the same as a backpack but you cannot stack a satchel and a backpack at the same time.
(05-15-2021, 07:50 PM)DimWhat Wrote:
(05-15-2021, 07:42 PM)penny Wrote: I still don't see an explanation for this.
Who is impacted by this, how does the meta change, why do you want the meta to evolve this way?
What is the purpose of nerfing them?

Fanny packs are completely and entirely better than all other belts in the game (aside from the CE's belt). For example: Security belts have the special ability of being able to hold security weapons among other small items yet the fannypack can hold all the items a security belt can as well as large items such as space suits. They functionally negate anything special about any other belt in the game due to their ability to be an exact copy of a backpack but on the belt.

The thing about mechanic filling a niche is that there's domains, and the one here that defines our scaling is mostly- rarity.
Below the belt, there's the tool slot! It holds a small item.
At the base item, a toolbelt, it holds small items.
The base domain, these are all over the station.

The next domain is common job specific belts- these fill a special niche. These are assigned to groups of people with design expectations about how and why they will use the belt.

The next domain is fanny packs- we'll think about the clown fanny pack and the station fanny pack separately.

The domain of the clown fanny pack is to give a more powerful belt to one single person on spawn, with the expectation that no one could possibly know what they're going to do with it.

The last fanny pack the last domain; is just the domain all of this is build around- rarity.
The tool slot is not devalued by its old belts because I don't always have a tool belt. It's the least rare.

My tool belt isn't devalued because of job specific belts, because my tool belt is the belt I have.

And my job specific belt isn't the devalued by the fanny pack because I don't have one.

Point of all this is that things in their own domain and things balanced by rarity don't negate from each other until you have one.

Being able to get a better tool belt than ones you SPAWN WITH is completely reasonable, why shouldn't there by an upgrade path if there's only a couple on the station?
There are no downsides to taking a fanny pack no matter the job, let the player make choices with consequences so they can feel regret or be happy they made a good choice.
Seems kind of silly to nerf something that's incredibly rare to begin with...
I don't see this being abused extensively, does this really need changing? The difference in size would also stop making sense when you consider the nukie versions are essentially the same bag recolored.
yea i dont think anyone abused this anyway, in the past ive only used the fanny pack as a backpack like one time, and that was so i could have my backpacks stuff while using a jetpack. i almost never see anyone use a fanny pack. ive probably seen more csaber mass production rounds then people with a fanny pack. seems like a pointless silly nerf, you cant make them either, which means theres two of them per round.
Im going to have to agree with the others above me saying I don't think this is being abused considering the rarity of fanny packs to begin with. Sure people might WANT fanny packs more than normal belts but if theres only like what three of them on the station is it really a problem?
Hypothetical: if no one "abuses" it then surely it doesn't matter if its capacity is lowered? Not trying to be snarky, just trying to understand above opinions.
Sure yeah I guess if people aren't abusing something there's no reason not to f*** it over /s

It's fun, that why, it's fun and rare and not abused and we like it.
I don't go around trying to power game fanny packs but when I find one I'm super happy because it's fun!
The reason not to change it is because the change is not fun.
Mordent, by that same logic a lot of things that aren't abused would be subject to change - but do they NEED to be changed? What purpose would it serve other than changing for the sake of changing?

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