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[MERGED PR] Adds Captains Space Helmet, Makes the Captain's Hat and Gas Mask No Lo...
(05-06-2021, 05:35 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: Is it engineering/mining helmets that protect from glare or is it all space helmets that do that?

All space helmets
"I don't think you can call an intentional feature a bug."

Assuming it actually is intentional, then I'll call it a bad feature then. Judging from pretty much everyone's reactions in this thread thus far, on the PR itself, and a cursory discord search on the matter leads me to believe this is one of those old things that were poorly thought out to begin with but only stuck around because barely anyone realized it existed, and once people find out about it they go "oh that's silly and makes no sense". I see the same kinds of arguments when people go on for ages about "soul" when it comes to sprites and other bad game design. There is no clear indication that gas masks are spaceproof, and when someone looks at a gas mask, it is not one's first assumption that they should be, either from sprites or stats. That is bad game design and why I'm probably going to merge this PR in the next day or so.
Alright, it's clear I'm in the minority here, so I'll just give up.
Well, I am gonna miss wearing hats in space, always felt like it made sense somehow but if others feel like it doesn't then sure, would be cool if we could do something like, give spacesuits paint jobs to make them have a little more personality, I don't like having everyone walk around looking the same because a bomb went off.
having spacesuits be like sec vests and be able to be clicked to change the style and color and stuff could be neat
I had no idea gas masks counted as spacewear until this PR. Making them not spacewear sounds like a good change to me.

Also the captain's space helmet is nice, but maybe just add it to the maps so it spawns on the cap's space suit instead of putting it in the locker which is just sorta weird to me. The suit spawns on a rack, why not the helmet?
(05-06-2021, 06:38 PM)THISISANICEGAME Wrote: Well, I am gonna miss wearing hats in space, always felt like it made sense somehow but if others feel like it doesn't then sure, would be cool if we could do something like, give spacesuits paint jobs to make them have a little more personality, I don't like having everyone walk around looking the same because a bomb went off.

? all this does is make it so you need a full space suit on *space tiles*, lack of O2 doesn't suddenly make the station a space tile.
While this makes a lot of sense, it isn't much of an exploit fix.

90% of the time if someone is able to get a spacesuit, they can grab a space helmet as well (virtually every space suit on station and the debris field has a space helmet/suit on the same rack).
Those who do not grab it are usually because of aesthetic reasons (trinket hat or some other cool headwear). Making it mandatory will just make everyone with spacewear look generic during any mass breach scenario.

If this is being passed, we need more variety to space worthy gear. Heck, the nuke ops team has far more attention to space worthy fashion than NT at this point.
Yeah as virvatuli said you can still space catwalk walk with just an air tank and mask because you arent techinically on a space tile. You are on a catwalk tile. Same with if the station gets bombed and you are walking around trying to fix it. As long as you arent floating on a space tile you shouldnt be getting harmed from space.
maybe being able to combine hats with space helmets? like, the combined hat would just go on top of the helmet
would be kind of fun ( im mostly picturing a cowboy hat worn on top of a space helmet and it fills me with joy but other hats would probably be cool)
I'm all for the new captain's space helmet gear as it's really neat, but the part about the gasmask changes could use more time for player discussion/suggestions before moving ahead.

Being silly with what we wear is a big part of SS13, and being silly WHILE in space? even more so.

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