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[MERGED PR] Removes Dwarfism
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[input wanted] [removal]

About the PR

This PR removes dwarfs completely, from both a trait miners can start with and a thing genetics can get in syringe-form. I opted to remove code snippets instead of commenting them out, I figure that if they ever come up, the history is here and easy to find. Or at least to point people to. Don't gotta make the code a museum.

Why's this needed?

Dwarfs are visually broken to the point where 'improve, don't remove' doesn't apply, imo. Not a single jumpsuit or outer suit is fit to them, they *all* look broken, even the stuff miners can *spawn* wearing. We seem to actually care a bit about this game looking good, and I think the dwarfs are pretty far outside 'looks good'.

There are of course, alternatives to removing them that don't make them look *as* broken. Custom fitting all clothing items to them (like monkeys) is completely unfeasible, it's too much work that'll never get done, even if it does, it'll make contributing clothing items more difficult, since you'd have to do two (three if you count monkey!! in the future when they're updated) sprites, which I don't think is worth it. Or that this solution would ever actually realistically be done or maintained.

The other (actually doable) alternative is using some kinda coding solution, like shrinking people's entire sprites down, like stims does or how obesity did before we cut it. While I agree this would certainly be a large improvement over what we have now, I think this would still look really bad and would clash really hard with all the pretty spriteart we've worked so hard on, enough so that I'd still rather have them completely gone than have some code-solution.

I'm aware that some people enjoy dwarfs and don't mind them looking... broken. I don't think having dwarfs is a particularly bad idea at face value, but I *do* mind the broken art, and I think it's just not worth the aesthetic inconsistency to fix. We should have higher standards than that overall for How Things Look, or at least I see it that way. This is very much a specific Design Perspective though.


(*)Removed dwarfism.

I would like to request that the glowstick farting chance be moved to training_miner rather than outright removed.
I wouldn't mind if dwarves just became a smaller version of the human sprite - I'd really hate for them to be outright removed, though I am very well aware they do make spriters cry blood.
I don't care much for the rest of this but dear god please remove the roundstart miner dwarfism roll.
I don't think we should take this from miners without something to replace it. Perhaps just mining clothes could be adapted for dwarves.
Na. I love this trait. Having miners starting as space dwarves is awesome. Just modify some stuff to fit them. Like a dwarf locker or something.
I would be completly fine with dwarves being removed, I honestly feel like they were rare enough that a lot of players wouldnt notice or care
I always dug (ha) the miners having a chance to rolling dwarfism as a Dwarf Fortress reference, and I would grab the gene from the genebooth as available when I didn't roll the trait, but I totally understand the wrench that it throws into spriting. As long as someone at a future date could put the effort in to revive 'em in a way that isn't jarring with the rest of the sprites, this seems fine.

Also, could someone post images of how they look currently with the broken clothing? I haven't seen any in game since the new sprites came in and I'm curious how bad it really is.
We dont really need to make the clothes fit the non-standard humans perfectly, they don't look *awful* on them as it is, and its not like their clothes sprites not being right where they should be is anywhere near a deal breaker.

Plus, Ive always found somewhat janky sprite jankups to be kind of charming in ss13. It just feels... ss13 to me.
(04-28-2021, 05:51 AM)Enakai Wrote: I wouldn't mind if dwarves just became a smaller version of the human sprite - I'd really hate for them to be outright removed, though I am very well aware they do make spriters cry blood.

Yeah let's just squish the sprite down a little. Wide dwarfs
i'd be one for either squishing sprites down or matching their form factors down to monkeys' clothing, i think gene-bominations would be missing something if 'dwarven' can't be part of their description.
I do not mind sprites for clothes looking broken from time to time. Please do not remove this mutation.
this is a message longer than 5 characters.

i agree wholeheartedly with gore
While we could make dwarves work, my favorite suggestion being fitting the dwarf sprite down to match monkey clothes, I don't think dwarves are a big feature worth investing a lot of time on. It's not a particularly interesting feature and I haven't seen many players embrace it and use it much. The most I've seen it come up is people suiciding when their mutantrace is overriden by the dwarf miner random roll or seeing it in the GeneBooth. We have skeletons for weird human subraces, I'd rather we focus on sprucing up skeleton and other races than see effort put into a joke race that shows up every once in a blue moon.
(04-29-2021, 04:36 AM)Varali Wrote: While we could make dwarves work, my favorite suggestion being fitting the dwarf sprite down to match monkey clothes, I don't think dwarves are a big feature worth investing a lot of time on. It's not a particularly interesting feature and I haven't seen many players embrace it and use it much. The most I've seen it come up is people suiciding when their mutantrace is overriden by the dwarf miner random roll or seeing it in the GeneBooth. We have skeletons for weird human subraces, I'd rather we focus on sprucing up skeleton and other races than see effort put into a joke race that shows up every once in a blue moon.

People who suicide because of a mutatrance like that - got some weak-mental.

Just cook up some stable mutagen, get some DNA or go into the gene-booth.

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