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Interactive Suicide Ideas
Big Grin 
Make the 'Die a glorious death' objective a little easier to have fun with:

Quote:Marc Shoenice puts his mouth on the release port of the canister, and twists it wide open!

After 3 or so seconds the person gibs and whatever was in the canister starts releasing at whatever the pressure was currently set at.
I think this would segway into a fun idea of making hellmix canisters to release on the crew as antag. Maybe we need to give toxins the chem treatment.

Vending Machine
Quote:With a lunatic smile, Marc Shoenice grabs [vending machine] on each side and starts rocking it back and forth like a maniac!

Flips the vending machine, puts the person into crit with massive brute.


Quote:Marc Shoenice begins cutting away at his limbs with the wirecutters!

Removes each limb one at a time until the person is a nugget, then dies.

Mining Charge/Pipe Bomb
Quote:Marc shoenice activates the [mining charge/pipe bomb], opens wide, and swallows it whole! The madman!
Gibs the person, creates an explosion depending on what kind of explosive used.
Give people with matter eater the ability to eat TTV's and suicide this way

Also I'd like the firelock/disposal chute decapitation suicides to give you just a few more seconds of life, a la 'chicken with no head' so you can push someone down and fart on them before you die or something equally funny.

"(name) puts the multitool's contact point to the roof of their mouth and presses the 'Pulse' button!"

Puts user into crit, deals massive burn damage, and a fair amount of brain damage.

Possum escape hatch:

Just as Morty yawns (name) dives into his mouth and vanishes.

Morty let's out a belch then continues on his way.
Multitools and I believe aircans already have a contextual suicide to the ones described.

Now, chicken-related suicides would be interesting. ...perhaps a new chicken type made by willing self-sacrifice that sets DNR?
(04-05-2021, 04:19 PM)aft2001 Wrote: Multitools and I believe aircans already have a contextual suicide to the ones described.

Now, chicken-related suicides would be interesting. ...perhaps a new chicken type made by willing self-sacrifice that sets DNR?

There should be a suicide interaction with glass chickens where the spaceman tries to eat it.
suicide for the stock market terminals where you look at the market and instantly die of boredom (999 brain damage)
Basketball hoop suicide where you dunk your own head.
Well, another idea.

Personal Computer
"(Name) grabs the computer's keyboard and begins to bash their head in!"

Takes time to complete, does a load of brute damage and brain damage. if the full thing finishes (progress bar) the skull of the victim is completely eradicated.

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