Mentor Application (Charles Tucker/Doctor Science PhD)
Usual character name: Charles Tucker/Doctor Science PhD/Science the Clown
BYOND username: AlyasGrey
Discord username (if you are on our discord): [GoD]Alyas the Grey/Caban
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: Goon 1 primarily, started on Goon RP

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):  To be completely honest I frequently end up walking new players and old players trying new roles through their job during a pretty significant proportion of my rounds already.  So why not formalize this and give myself the ability to assist players who aren't in my immediate vicinity?

I initially began playing SS13 in 2012 but have little recollection of that period beyond trying it thanks to an SA forums thread and recommendation from someone I had been playing Puzzle Pirates with.  I returned around April/May of 2020 and began playing primarily on what was known as GRPO.  During my time there I primarily spent my time learning Genetics and command roles.  

After becoming comfortable enough to pursue time on a higher population server I migrated to the main RP server and expanded my roles to include Miner, Mechanic, Engineer, Clown, Botany, Chef, Bartender, Scientist and essentially everything except Robotics and full-time Medical.  I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and learned so much from the wonderful RP crew.

When a fairly significant number of my friends from RP moved on and I became curious about the broader types of antagonists available along with gaining a desire to improve my general robustness I decided to try Main/Goon 1.  I feel like I improved my knowledge significantly through exposure to the more chaotic atmosphere and increased danger of the high-population non-RP servers.   I became comfortable with security roles, although I do not prefer them, and significantly expanded my abilities as a Scientist including learning how to operate many of the more obscure mechanics across the station.  This includes DWAINE and ThinkDos.  I'm entirely comfortable teaching a new player any role outside of Robotics and medical surgery beyond some of the more basic surgeries.  I can fill Roboticist and Medical roles as needed and have been known to play shifts as a Clown Doctor but fully realize that I should prioritize learning those roles fully in order to be a more effective teacher of the game.  Beyond that I know each of the maps and most of the off-station destinations like the back of my hand.  I pride myself on never failing to help a new player learn a role if they need help regardless of my own status in a round because I genuinely believe that my own fun in a single round does not outweigh my obligation to a community that has given so much joy to me.  If there is something I can do to give another player a chance to experience some of that by making their experience pleasant enough that they stick around then I believe I am morally obligated to do so.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):  None.
yes ys yes yes +1
Friendly, and plays a great clown. Knows how to do pranks/silliness well without getting griefy.
definitely a +1 from me.
Good clown and a good presence on the discord, have seen them help people with questions. +1
Quote:To be completely honest I frequently end up walking new players and old players trying new roles through their job during a pretty significant proportion of my rounds already.  So why not formalize this and give myself the ability to assist players who aren't in my immediate vicinity?
Very recognizable, pretty much why i applied myself.

Great attitude as far as i can tell from our interactions.

Also i respect anyone that goes clown doctor.

+1 from me
Totally support them for this.  Massively fun, knowledgeable, and a genuinely good person.

Just sad that RP lost them to Main. frown Miss shift with you!

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