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Best moments ever thread 2.0
BlackPhoenix Wrote:Last night we had a disaster round followed immediately by a spy round. I was the HoS for that spy round, and at some point in there somebody said that Jeff Tao was caught implanting a guy. I had the AI track him, and he was located in QM. I went there and wasn't expecting to be shot at by a bunch of lasers and put into crit. A borg dragged me away and the AI bolted the spymaster and his men in QM. Somehow I came out of crit and, through orange health, went up to QM again. I had the AI open the door and charged in. A few seconds later, all of the spies were stunned and I wasn't hurt. Space lag is great.

I was there and saw the whole thing, thankfully I was one of the mnidslaves and managed to slip away. I then grabbed one of the laser guns on the ground and proceeded to ambush him later on in the shift. But thanks to the insane amount of lag, he managed to avoid my shot and I had to flee
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:
BlackPhoenix Wrote:Last night we had a disaster round followed immediately by a spy round. I was the HoS for that spy round, and at some point in there somebody said that Jeff Tao was caught implanting a guy. I had the AI track him, and he was located in QM. I went there and wasn't expecting to be shot at by a bunch of lasers and put into crit. A borg dragged me away and the AI bolted the spymaster and his men in QM. Somehow I came out of crit and, through orange health, went up to QM again. I had the AI open the door and charged in. A few seconds later, all of the spies were stunned and I wasn't hurt. Space lag is great.

I was there and saw the whole thing, thankfully I was one of the mnidslaves and managed to slip away. I then grabbed one of the laser guns on the ground and proceeded to ambush him later on in the shift. But thanks to the insane amount of lag, he managed to avoid my shot and I had to flee
Had to drag the spymaster away and get healed up, but I told the other sec to get you. Then they didn't. Sad day.
Don't worry the lag prevented me from doing anything to serious
BlackPhoenix Wrote:Last night we had a disaster round followed immediately by a spy round. I was the HoS for that spy round, and at some point in there somebody said that Jeff Tao was caught implanting a guy. I had the AI track him, and he was located in QM. I went there and wasn't expecting to be shot at by a bunch of lasers and put into crit. A borg dragged me away and the AI bolted the spymaster and his men in QM. Somehow I came out of crit and, through orange health, went up to QM again. I had the AI open the door and charged in. A few seconds later, all of the spies were stunned and I wasn't hurt. Space lag is great.

I was a sec agent during that round. I tased someone who opened an NO2 canister and started to run away, intending to throw them back into their own gascloud. Lo an behold, they were actually a spymaster running at me with a full implanter, which they dropped. Mindslaved three random people, told them to ignore any other mindslave orders they might have had, and to go be non-violent griff. Later tried to save the HoS amidst the spacelag, and one of my mindslaves pushed down the attacker and saved us both. A good round for all.
In a whirling flurry of tendrils, the weird thing rends down Devon Treeby! Holy shit!
Spy round, I was playing as the RD, casually making porktonium not understanding it's potential uses if any, setting up toxins and ignoring my buddies when bam: I get implanted by this fella who wasn't exactly sure about being a spy. Granted he didn't know much, but soon there were many on our team, including the captain.
There was also a predator running around, so I strapped a bomb to myself and threatened if the pred went near me I would detonate. Really that was just a ploy to be allowed carry a bomb in my hand and drop it whenever I saw fit.
I robbed the crate of lasers, and was going to subvert the AI when I was implanted by a different spy master. Now I gave him some information about my previous spy master, a gun, and went down hunting down my previous comrades much to their anguish and pleas that we were on the same team. Unfortunately I was not. After killing them all, my spy master has also racked up alot of bodies from sleepy penning everyone with cyanide. He also injected the predator, and had his spear. (not exactly sure what happened the pred)
Anyway singularity was released and me and the other mindslave mopped up any other survivors while the spy master got in touch with the emergency shuttle.
Earlier today a scientist was selling a bomb he made in the public marktet and was getting people to barter for it, and I offered to give him the HoS Garrus Vakarrian as payment for the bomb. He accepted the deal and I went to collect the bomb. When I got to the Market, there were about seven people including the HoS, who were sitting outside the table waiting to see what was happening, of course there was one assistant that jumped over the table and was beating the scientist into a pulp. So desperate to receive my bomb, I grabbed the HoS and placed him on the table hoping the scientist would give the bomb. instead one of the people watching pulled the HoS off the table and threw him at me. So for about two minutes we threw the HoS back and forth between each other until I threw him over the table to give the scientist my payment. Sadly the HoS got up and shot me, and dismantled the bomb.
I had challenged the captain to a boxing match, then he flashed me, spit in my sous hat with a custom emote, put it back on me, I got up and turned on my saber which I had hid, and bashed his head in with 5 of the crew cheering. Later, when I was caught I convinced two security officers to do russian roulette with me and free me if I live, I lost, but it was fun. Don't mess with Sous-Chef Bill Leech!
Swedish Horror Wrote:I had challenged the captain to a boxing match, then he flashed me, spit in my sous hat with a custom emote, put it back on me, I got up and turned on my saber which I had hid, and bashed his head in with 5 of the crew cheering. Later, when I was caught I convinced two security officers to do russian roulette with me and free me if I live, I lost, but it was fun. Don't mess with Sous-Chef Bill Leech!

I was the other traitor in that round, the geneticist.
When xiphos, my target, came brought the caps body to genetics, I let off the biggest bomb, gibbing them both.
Fun round.
OOC: Sickkness: Percentage of OOC Chat: 60% "lag", 20% passive aggressive borderline ooc-in-ooc, 10% ironic humour, 10% actual discussion

OOC storm of poo commences becuase he forgot that.

Mushroom station doesn't look like a mushroom.

OOC: Infinite Monkeys: admin secret: we are paid £10 per ban so we wiped all the bans to ban everyone again
I was sec when the AI alerted us to a changeling (Raymond Jardine) feeding early in the round. We quickly cornered him, captured him, and locked him in the port-a-brig.

Feeling bad that we'd already caught him 10 minutes into the round, we began discussing with the crew what to do with him, and eventually the consensus was reached to let him fight in 3v1 a deathmatch, permitting him to eat anyone he killed in battle. The disposals room was converted into a fighting ring and 3 volunteers stepped inside to fight. After unlocking the portabrig I scooted out and the AI bolted the door closed, and several spectators crowded the window to watch the grand melee.

Things got... a little out of hand. The fight was back and forth a lot, with the changeling stunning everyone briefly and shooting his detective's gun, then folks getting back up and knocking him down, and so on. Then some other folks started appearing from the disposal chute and joined in the fracas. Someone hacked the door open to rush in himself. When I left to pursue a lead on another antagonist, the changeling was holding his own against at least 5 fighters.

Maybe 10 or 15 minutes later the fighting was still going on, with people constantly breaking in to get dominated. Eventually some scientist burned down the walls leading from disposals into the chapel and the changeling got loose, poking me with a lovely bit of neurotox on his way out-- but in my book he earned that freedom.
[Image: eXUan.png]

Seems normal.

40 minutes later

[Image: knRmP.png]


Yeah, that's 5 singularities at once, all loose.
[Image: Butt.jpg?psid=1]

For wizards, even Rathen's Secret can backfire. Defeated by some random dude's butt you just caused to detach...priceless.

Kind Regards
I unleashed a singularity bomb in the warehouse without being noticed at all. Admins made it the Beangularity.

And I would have gotten away with it, until I was killed by another traitor's bowling ball at the escape shuttle, which also got pipe-bombed.

Traitors everywhere.
[Image: 9QidH.png]

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