03-18-2021, 10:09 PM
(Better class names wanted)
Something that has been brought up a few times and I felt like expanding on into a full suggestion.
As with all of my ideas, any feedback of balancing or flavor is welcome, and I will edit this based on what ideas I like the best!
Something that has been brought up a few times and I felt like expanding on into a full suggestion.
Their primary weapon would be the Energy Gauntlets, which would be worn in the glove slot instead of being a held item, making it difficult to disarm them. The gauntlets would have two modes it could toggle between on a 30~ second cooldown, Claw Mode, focused on bleeding and delimbing, and Fist Mode, focused on stunning and knockback. Visually, fist mode would have energy surrounding the gauntlets like stun gloves, while claw mode would show 3 short energy blades extending from the top of the hand. Both modes would have unique functions based on the users intent, with the claws focused on rampaging and royally fucking up single targets, and the fists focused on defense and crowd control.
- Help intent is the same for both modes, being exactly the same as help intent without the gloves. In this mode, the gauntlet would also be visibly depowered, meaning you could potentially use it to hide which mode you are on before engaging.
- Disarm intent on Claw Mode would slash off targeted limbs, gouge out eyes when targeting the head, and deal high damage to a random organ when targeting the torso. Regardless of where you target, it would cause minor brute and bleed. Disarm special would be a 3-tile swipe dealing low brute but high bleed.
- Disarm intent on Fist Mode would send people flying away from you, stunning them if they hit a wall or another person. Disarm special would be similar to power hammer special, causing a shockwave that knocks people down briefly.
- Grab intent on Claw Mode would immediately be an aggressive grab, and would cause mild bleeding at first before becoming severe bleeding on a chokehold. If someone resists out of this grab, there is a chance that they might lose an arm in the process.
- Grab intent on Fist Mode would also start as aggressive grab, and would let you throw people with significantly more force, and suplexing someone like this would knock them out.
- Harm intent on Claw Mode would deal massive brute and bleed damage, enough to crit in 3 hits. Harm special would be a 5-tile dash that impales the first person you hit, dealing twice the brute of a normal hit, immediately grabbing them, and dealing massive organ damage. Special has a 10 second cooldown.
- Harm intent on Fist Mode would deal moderate brute damage, taking 6~ hits to crit, but deal massive stamina damage, taking only 2 hits to down someone. Harm special would be an uppercut that sends your target flying back and instantly knocks them out cold. Like the claws, the special has a 10 second cooldown.
- Blocking on Claw Mode would set up a counterattack, negating the next melee attack that hits you and impaling them, with similar effects to the harm special.
- Blocking on Fist Mode would function similarly to a csaber block, projecting an energy field around your arms that deflects a limited number of incoming projectiles.
- The CQC Assault Exoskeleton is an advanced powered combat suit that lets you handle the most likely threats to a melee unit. It provides average projectile resistance, but high disorient resistance, making stun-based weapons significantly less effective against you, taking many taser shots or baton hits to bring down. In addition, it has high melee resistance, so an angry mob with extinguishers and knives will struggle to do major damage to you. The powered exoskeleton also raises your base movement speed and nullifies damage slowdown, denying your targets an easy escape. Finally, the exoskeleton comes with an automated wound stitching system that will remove all bleeding from the wearer with a 60-second cooldown.
- The CQC Assault Helmet provides similar resistances to the armor, with the added bonus of being flashproof and providing ear protection, making flashbangs ineffective against you.
As with all of my ideas, any feedback of balancing or flavor is welcome, and I will edit this based on what ideas I like the best!