HoS aplication SovietBeaver (aka Guy the [...])
Usual character name: Varies. Newest "Guy the" longest "Myrton Grunwald"
BYOND username: SovietBeaver
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Bober#5000
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: Heisenbee

Reason for application: My timeframe has to few HoSs

Security experience (300 word minimum):
My expirience with security is what it alwyas is. The mixture of competent geniuent law bringers and powerhungry assholes who wanted to be captain but werent selected or are baned. Overall it usualy tips towards the first one but isnt flawless. I myself arent crystal clear and i know that well. Still i want to try to be the man who brings law to the elemental plain of chaos that is SS13, especialy since sometimes in my timezone there is enough pop to make chaos but not enough to HoS be around.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
        When i started thinking about aplying i thought. "Dont kill the antag. He might be good". Now i say "Kill or leave if hes new". There is no way he will be usefull. If he wants to help hes too new to know how to be antad so he tries to side with you. If hes not new he will try to kill you period.
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
        Helping the crew after at the medbay bombsite and every time somone tells me im a good sec.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
       When im the only i try to stay in sec till there is actual emergency and/or gather gear for said emergency. When im with team i go gather tools and meds. This lets me to go all over the station and have a general overview of whats going on. After that im a regular policeman. Repremend botany for causing fire hazard, sometimes looking if chef doesnt serve humans and being genereal pushover.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
[*]          What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
[*]              Not pissing off any crew member. That would be so unexpected and wacky.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will)
   Few yellings.
This isn't even close to 300 words.
This app seems kind of low effort and poorly written and organized. I also don't recall seeing you as security, or even really at all, on Heisenbee. Also as Roomba stated the required 300 words is not even close to where it should be. Also with reading your app I'm not sure you've got a good attitude at the moment on playing security. As sec you're supposed to catch and punish antags sure, but heavy-handedness isn't an acceptable approach to every antag that isn't a new player.
Hey, your security experience section is short of the required 300 words. Could you please write a few additional sentences and message them to me so I can edit them in? Thanks.

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