07-29-2013, 07:24 PM
Exactly as the title reads. When you make a portal to a particular location, either via the hand-tele or the telescience pad, it immediately treats the two tiles that the portals are touching as if they were adjacent (i.e., gasses at either location bleed through the portals and out into the hallway/deathtrap/space/etc.).
Deadly plasma at arrivals? Create a portal to space to vacuum the telepad. Then create a portal to arrivals and suck up a huge chunk of that plasma. Create a new portal to space; rinse and repeat to vent the area.
Want to leak a plasma fire into the janitor's closet? Put a can of plasma and O2 into the telepad, set up the coordinates to the Janitor's closet, and create a portal. Watch that puppy start to fill up with delicious fiery goodness.
Need an instant smokescreen to your buddy's location? Create a bunch of smoke in the telepad, and portal them some of it.
I think you get the jist of it.
• Gives reason to the atmospherics detection option on the telepad
• Allows for a variety of interesting traitor and non-traitor atmospherics mechanics to take place
• The AI can do it! A new tool for good or ill!
• Super cool
• Adds an extra element of danger/excitement to the use of portals in telescience
• Portals are super power-hungry. An incentive for cross-departmental cooperation when you depend on the engineers for your portal atmos shenanigans to get off the ground
○ Probably difficult to code! I don't have any idea how atmos works!
○ Potentially laggy! Atmos! Ah!
○ Potentially abusable! (Felt like i had to say it, but really, if we didn't allow features on their abusability, we wouldn't even have toolboxes)
Deadly plasma at arrivals? Create a portal to space to vacuum the telepad. Then create a portal to arrivals and suck up a huge chunk of that plasma. Create a new portal to space; rinse and repeat to vent the area.
Want to leak a plasma fire into the janitor's closet? Put a can of plasma and O2 into the telepad, set up the coordinates to the Janitor's closet, and create a portal. Watch that puppy start to fill up with delicious fiery goodness.
Need an instant smokescreen to your buddy's location? Create a bunch of smoke in the telepad, and portal them some of it.
I think you get the jist of it.
• Gives reason to the atmospherics detection option on the telepad
• Allows for a variety of interesting traitor and non-traitor atmospherics mechanics to take place
• The AI can do it! A new tool for good or ill!
• Super cool
• Adds an extra element of danger/excitement to the use of portals in telescience
• Portals are super power-hungry. An incentive for cross-departmental cooperation when you depend on the engineers for your portal atmos shenanigans to get off the ground
○ Probably difficult to code! I don't have any idea how atmos works!
○ Potentially laggy! Atmos! Ah!
○ Potentially abusable! (Felt like i had to say it, but really, if we didn't allow features on their abusability, we wouldn't even have toolboxes)