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BYOND Username: thelegendnut
Character Name: John Nut
01-23-2021, 10:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-24-2021, 10:24 PM by virvatuli. Edited 4 times in total.)
Usual character name: John Nut
BYOND username: thelegendnut
Discord username (if you are on our discord): nut#9652
Recommended by (if applicable): Jan.antilles, virva,
Goon servers you play: Goonstation RP1, Goonstation RPO
Reason for application:
I’m gonna make the reason short, because there’s not really any other way to put it. A bunch of people have been saying I should apply for HoS. Another note, when there is no current HoS, things usually devolve into chaos.
Security experience (300 word minimum):More often than not, when I play, I come to find out that sometimes, you don’t really need to beat someone to get them to comply. Sure, sometimes, it comes to that, but usually? Give them a donut, be kind. Usually, they will stop being a goober, and you can both go on pretending to know what’s happening. Instead of bumping chests to establish dominance, and superiority over the one you want to arrest, make them know you’re on their side, even if they’re an idiot. Act indifferent until the time calls, or until someone is in danger .
When it comes to hunting criminals, that’s usually where my gray area lies. I’m not very good at hunting people down, atleast that’s what I’d say. I, however, try my best to find them, or find someone who can find them better than I can. Usually, it comes down to them making a ballsy move and getting captured anyway.
Another point of experience, or whatever you want to call it, is knowing what the crew wants, and biding the time if you absolutely know it is going to hit the fan to prepare yourselves. For instance, if there is a split, say, ????????, one of the things you could do is just recognize them as independent and tell them ‘hey, so long as you don’t do anything rash like, murder people, you’re cool. And- still order stuff, please.’ Then, offer them a donut. Sure, it won’t work all the time. And when it unfortunately, unequivocally fails. That’s when you use what I call, say it with me now.
Violence! The last resort. This is the point where I’d flex my muscles a little, try to talk them down in a ‘we have you surrounded’ sort of way. BUT, before you do this, you need the other crew members to atleast kind of support you, otherwise you’ll have a lot of angry people. At this point, you’d bust in and arrest the baddies, and process them for their dastardly 2-minute brig sentences.
Answer two or more of the following:- What advice would you give to other sec players?
Please stop shooting criminals on first sight. Sure, they’re criminals. Sure, some deserve it. But just try to talk them into coming peacefully, negotiate? I’ve seen this happen and it makes me sad. - What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
Why did you change the wavegun? Why would you do that? It was my child, you fools, and you got rid of the EMP.
No, seriously though. It was good for dealing with rogue submarines. The only drawback was it sucked (at least, for me.) in any other regard.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
- What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
I’m not one for gimmicks, usually. But I want to take the NARCs turret for a walk. NARC’s is a good boy. They deserve it.
virvaedit: he forgot to put his trophy wall in here and is making excuses for not doing so, so i'm doing it for him
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BYOND Username: Jan.antilles
Character Name: Marina "Rina" Favero, Fleur DeLaCreme, etc goobers
Very happy to finally see this application! Nut has come a long way since he was a little baby acorn on RPO. Whenever he's on my team, I know I can throw him at any situation and know that it will be handled with the appropriate amount of escalation so that everyone involved stays engaged with the round. He doesn't pull out the weapons until he needs to, he is always the first to respond when I call for backup, and often he will beat me to a scene and start taking control and de-escalating it before I get there.
Great roleplayer, great Sec team member, going to be a great HoS.
+1 for John Nut, best Sec.
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BYOND Username: adharainspace
Character Name: Ada O'hara & Porter Starboard
(my opinions) i have mixed feelings about john nut. on the one hand, you have been a good security officer multiple times when ive been hos and had you on the team. on the other hand, your fashion sense is abysmal and makes me wonder whether or not you even have brain cells!! jokes aside i think you have come a long ways. u still have some growing to do imo, but youve done good when ive observed you recently. handled conflicts well, stayed engaged over the radio. all that stuff.
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BYOND Username: virvatuli
This my recommendation as a player (and 90% of my interactions with him have been from before I became an admin): I've always really enjoyed playing with John Nut on the Sec team, started out on RPO months ago and recently I've had him play Sec when I'm HoS on RP1. His antics are great and he handles deescalation really well, to the point that I think he's a better negotiator than I am. Really great RP Sec and he's gotten better every time I've had a chance to interact with him ingame. Always stays on comms and treats Security as a team, with status updates and checking in with other officers who haven't said anything in awhile. Genuinely funny and knows how to keep the both the crew and the antags having fun throughout the shift. Looking forward to seeing him more on RP1 and I'd enjoy seeing him in the beret!
also, you forgot to post your trophy wall! Put it on display!
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BYOND Username: Nefarious6th
I think this is one of the easiest +1's I could give.
Nut is fantastic at descalation and has an approach to Security that I think just works while still managing an ability to make rounds fun for himself/the Security team. It's been a little bit since I played on a team with you, but you've got a really refreshed and upbeat attitude about Security, and I think right now that's precisely what RP1 needs. I'd say I think there were maybe some growing pains with keeping cool under major duress a few months back when the tide was still coming in, but I'm fairly confident you've grown good emotional resolve and are only going to continue on an upward trend of being a model for really, really good Security gameplay and demeanor. Only other critique is that I just wish your app had so much more; there's so many stories and examples of times that you've worked expertly on being truly ideal Security, but I guess this app reflects well that that's not just an instance-to-instance thing but very much infused in your entire perspective towards playing Sec!
Looking forward to seeing HoS John and running with you again. Glad to see you back.
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BYOND Username: Luxizzle
Last i played with them was probably on the RPO days and while i never played security with them it was always a treat to see them as an officer and I'm glad you're back for more.
They look cold, someone hand them the security blankie.
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BYOND Username: PinkPuffball81
Character Name: Franziska Jackson, T.S.U.N, Bonk Honkem, Jim Reaper
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BYOND Username: Recusor
I enjoyed playing with John Nut just the other day as while I was a conspirator. Did everything by the book and definitely added enjoyment to the round for all involved I'd say. I dont usually go on RP1, but +1 from me based on that interaction!
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BYOND Username: Telareti
Character Name: Ranni
nut is a great sec officer, i have not had to many rounds with him as sec yet but the ones i have played he was great, also when i was a antag last shift he did not over use his power which is a great hos trait, he is also very robust, but also keeps it fun at the same time which is a perfect combination, overall i think he would be a great hos and a fun one to play on the shift with that be you are sec or crew or antag
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BYOND Username: Leeanei
+1. He's put up with my HoS nonsense more than anyone else.
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BYOND Username: varali
Character Name: Rhea Kestrel, Raven Starling, Seriema Osprey, see profile
Easiest +1 of my life, John went from a "good, and on the way to greatness" to "holy crap its the nut!!". He's grown massively and is a delight to see on Security, insanely competent, lovely to roleplay with, works fairly with criminals and doesn't baton you if you make fun of his ugly tacticool fashion!
When I'm an Antagonist, he's my favorite officer because I know there'll be very fun situations and roleplaying to be had and I could walk up to him with the dumbest gimmick and he'd roll with it, and when I'm Security I know the station is in good hands if I end up being lazy or have to cryo, because he'll easily handle the department, teach new officers and handle everything fairly, all while looking like he boarded the wrong shuttle on the way to a Call of Duty meetup.
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BYOND Username: Arcticmog
Character Name: Selna Von Styria, S.E.L.N.A
Detective Skulster might not always see eye to eye with Officer nut, even tense moments here and there but I'll be damned if he isn't an effective and trustworthy officer, good +1 from someone who plays RP exclusively and regularly sees Nut in game (and works/rps with when playing detective) , also an excellent roleplayer with a good sense of humour!
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BYOND Username: Aft2001
While I haven't been too active recently and haven't seen a lot of John Nut, I have seen a bit and from what I've seen it was pretty dang good. But, more importantly, I'd like to highlight a likely important facet of a HoS and that is growth and self-improvement. I remember an older time when John Nut was a name I'd respond to with trepidation, having remembered (potentially incorrectly so please inform me if I'm wrong) times where they've went a bit nuts with traitor and powergamer gear like swords and flamethrowers. That isn't great HoS material at all, *but*, seeing the positive responses from others here makes me question whether or not I'm actually remembering the same person. If I am, then the sheer commitment to improving oneself is highly respectable and is in of itself enough to make me +1 this app.
((Seriously am I remembering wrong? I feel like I am oh god))
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BYOND Username: DimWhat
John Nut is not somebody I can wholeheartedly trust with the position of HoS. While they may be good at doing things by the book, I find ability to communicate with their fellow officers quite lacking as well as their paying attention to the crew. Stacked with their limited experience with jobs other than security and their incredibly hyper active attitude. I do not think they would be in a position that should have to lead security. Mellow out, learn other jobs, and pay attention to not just your team but your fellow crewmembers.
One day you could be a fantastic HoS, but as you are worries me. -1
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BYOND Username: Slazzy
Character Name: Gunnar Gustafsson/Heimdallr (Silicon)
02-03-2021, 10:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-03-2021, 10:15 PM by Slazenger.)
This took some thought to put into words, but we've had some memorable interactions over the past month or so. All of our interactions were either me as your HoS/NTSO or me as MD/Mediborg and you as Sec.
Starting with the former, I've seen commendable work handling antags from you, including some creative and fun RP. As a frequent late-join HoS/NTSO, I typically have found it very difficult to ascertain what is going on in the station or what you're personally working on; you typically seem to be frantically running about when I've latejoined and despite some effort, it frequently is difficult for me to get on the same page as you.
You often seem to have a good pace when handling some antags, but other times you seem to be a flash of light and leave your colleague standing in the dust as seemingly handle things solo. That being said, during early parts of some shifts worked together, I've had great RP conversations with you and seen you handle yourself commendable interacting with the crew.
While playing in Medical in both of my roles you've both respond promptly, professionally, and engaged in RP situations where I've called Sec. A shift on Oshan where I was MD is particularly memorable
(02-03-2021, 10:07 PM)Slazenger Wrote: A shift on Oshan where I was MD is particularly memorable...
Trying out type on a tablet didn't pay off me, sorry for the disjointed comments. The shift on Oshan was memorable due to some good conversation and RP regarding challenging circumstances on the station. Other times however, you have seemed to invade medbay and even as the medical director I had a hard time understanding what was needed or feeling like I was part of your RP.
In summary, I feel like you have a lot of the trappings to be a successful HoS, however I feel like you can sometimes get stuck in your own head while focusing on handling a situation or steering an RP in a direction that you wish to see it go. From the first interactions I had with you months ago, you have improved demonstrably but I am still mixed on whether you truly have the communication, team focus, and consistency to bring your best self to the plate every time.