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"Spray" option for hyposprays
Since some healing chemicals now need to be applied externally, could we get a toggle on hyposprays to switch between injecting chemicals and droppering them?

too often do i see people injecting people with styptic with the hypospray
Hypo signifies "Under", as in these things jab you with a needle and then spray in the chems. I don't see how it could have a spray function. We have patches for topical things.
Yeah, while I can kind of understand the justification for doing something like that, based on how a hypospray works, I think this is one case where gameplay trumps narrative. Medbay's greater specialization has led to an increased reliance on doctors, the doctor job being more fun, and just more gameplay all around. Just empty a pocket and stick a dropper and a syringe in there. I mostly just use Hyposprays for saline/epinephrine now. (Although a couple with Salbumatol and Charcoal can still be useful.)
Also, you are incorrect.
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Also, you are incorrect.
...How does that make me incorrect? That says that it's injected either intravenously or intramuscularly.
A "hypospray" does not use a needle. The spray itself pierces the skin, they're specifically designed, marketed, and used as an alternative to needles.
And as for how that could make sense in a story way, if you either turned off or turned down the pressure jets which give the injection enough force to pierce the skin, it would theoretically be possible to then apply the hypo's contents topically, instead of subdermally.

But again, while possible in a story sense, it would present problems gameplay-wise.
You can make custom patches. so just use a patch.

Shorten the delay on patch application a bit
add a medical sponge!
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Medbay's greater specialization has led to an increased reliance on doctors, the doctor job being more fun, and just more gameplay all around.

I always wondered why the patches are there, and now that certain medications are used topically, it makes sense. If the hypospray worked as suggested, it would be a 'catch-all' as such, more people would come in and raid medical taking hyposprays, it'd be the tricord fix-it all over again.

Going the complete opposite direction of the thread, I'd like to see more ways to inject medicine. Blood transfusions will be a thing after someone's bled too much, maybe someone would be able to rig up an IV drop that'd prevent organ failure (I know this is going to the next medical update).
If you want to go that direction, call it synapaze, as in a genetic enzyme, as recently scientists are developing enzymes to prevent multi-organ failure and sepsis. Synapaze would be directly added to the blood transfusion bag.

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