Leo Hastings is back for HoS: why not?
Usual Character Name: T-man
BYOND Username: T-manSim
Recommended by (if applicable):
Times Available: Kinda sporadic, I usually play on #2 from ~6pm PST - 2 AM PST

Reason for Application (300 word minimum): My mentor Reason for Application was mostly based on not having enough mentors to answer questions and therefore causing the mentor system to fail new players. HoS however doesn't fail new players, it fails old ones. A HoS is supposed to be Robust and know about the game, while also being laid back enough to not freak out about any minor thing. But for the majority of rounds I play, there is no HoS online. Worse yet, Security guards are often new players, meaning any number of bad things. It makes a traitor round very boring when Sec are bumbling idiots if you are even slightly robust at all. A good HoS knows how to be a challenge to traitors and the arms in order to do it. I'm applying basically because we need more HoSes. The ones we have currently are good players and good at the job, but they can't be on every round. Thus, more HoSes are needed. I'm not applying for power, or to show off (I'm robust, but not quite the god-robuster of some of the other players. I'd just like to be able to A) show new or inexperienced Sec players how to arrest/stun/brig and at least as importantly B) how to have fun at the job. And I think it is possible to have fun playing as Security, something most people don't really get. The point of Security is not to be super robust but rather to work in a team and do stupid things. Working in a team is what I enjoy, being able to banter back and forth about Traitor McBadguy or plot takedowns of changelings and massacureaholics. To have one simple goal to protect the station while also being able to do "stupid" things like deputizing a wizard or stripping a traitor and giving them a jumpsuit, shoes, and radio headset and calling out a bounty. I want to show security guards that the job isn't a burden but can be (as I recently learned from playing it more) as fun or more fun as being a traitor. That is why I am applying. {356 words}

Security Experience (300 word minimum): Well, when I first started playing I avoided playing Sec like the plague. Eventually I warmed up to it after a few good rounds of Hunt the Changeling on the C-station. Mostly it was because of the element of risk. It was only ever really fun as a team, changelings especially, because then you knew somebody had your back. From there I played it on and off again, usually preferring Medbay and only playing Sec when the team from earlier rounds were particularly fun/incompetent. I really shine at shooting people at range, a stunbaton I usually avoid for the risk of disarm or a changeling's sting. Usually I use a stun even when I can/will kill, being able to stun/strip/space is usually safer than trying to use a laser, which doesn't stun. As for how I play, it changes. When I'm a lone Secman I'm usually pretty by-the-book, stun and run. With a good team I tend to be willing to go for it and act as a front line man. With a less than good team I follow them around, try to make them less bad, and make sure they don't try to murder for a fart. Sometimes on a round when bored of straight cop I'll demand payment to set people on arrest. Usually on those rounds I focus on getting money over being out in the field, taking the money of anyone who comes into Sec handcuffed. I know how the brig works, and the portabrig. I've taken down many changelings, a few vampires when the opticals were still in sec, and can often outrobust people if I have a gun or a lucky streak. Nowadays I play sec more often once I realized it's possible to have fun and do my job. Now I focus on responding to calls for help over snooping around. I like to think I'm laid back with prisioners and usually try to release them back after a while. I hope my record re: a good cop stands up to scrutiny, I've tried to encourage fun. {348 words}

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc): The main flaw I've seen is that it's cramped. Like, there's very little room to escape a Flashbang, especially if the doors are electrified/bolted. Meaning a robust enough traitor could probably stun everyone and any reinforcements very easily. Additionally the big pillar in the middle of the lower room makes firefights pretty much just luck based, I've stunned a laser armed HoS with a stunbaton because I could just run around the pillar. Brig there's not much to talk about, it's pretty solid but it can get boring quickly if a boring security officer puts you in. Would be nice if there were more hiding spots to scheme in. Might be a good idea to put uniforms inside it so stripped prisoners can clothe themselves. The little cells don't get used much, it would be nice if they had some way to stun people inside remotely if you have to do anything. I'd like to see some way to beam prisoners to the prison station thing, so it actually gets used. {172 words}

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): Needs to learn to use Deodorant, would not recommend Shrek being a HoS without oversight. {13 unfunny words}

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): Occasional short (1-2 days) bans, last one was 2 days a few months back IIRC. A jobban a long time ago from Command but that got lifted.
Okay so here's something that happened with me and Leo: I was HoS and Leo was one of the officers. At one point, I arrested some guy for being kind of a dick and brought him into the brig, cuffed and stunned. He wasn't a traitor or a murderer, he was just being pretty annoying. I fully intended to let him go within about a minute. Leo was with me at the time. So, I bring this guy into the brig and while I'm doing it I stop in the Armoury to recharge my egun. Leo follows me in and grabs the haloperidol syringe. Anyway, I come back out and Leo starts trying to inject the prisoner with the haloperidol. I tell him to cut that shit out, but he just keeps trying and eventually I stun him to get him to stop. He recovers while I'm distracted and manages to inject the guy.

I don't know what the fuck. He just absolutely had to inject this guy with shit.
I have never seen you. Sorry but no
I've never seen you on gibbed 2. Ever.
Never seen you. I play on #2 mainly. Get more well known is probably what i would have to say. (Not infamous hopefully.)
I never play on #2 which is where you claim to be but I've seen you around all the time and these other guys who DO play on #2 haven't??? idk what's up with that

Anyway Leo is a really cool dude (probably one of my favorite spacemen), and I can't possibly see him not being a good fit for the position. (I'm bad at voting in hos/mentor threads since I can never think of what to write but whatever I kinda feel bad that this has been open for months and I do think he would make a good HoS)
I've seen a Leo Hastings, but never as security, atleast that I recall. Why would you put your usual name as T-man???

I've not seen as security enough to have a lasting impression I guess.

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