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[PR] Clone scanning now makes a ping noise
Not getting the implant was already a tell as others have pointed out (and I forgot about it, guess I'm not a nerd :P), and I feel like if you're trying to get out of scanning someone living the risk of them finding out might actually be preferable. I don't know of many situations where a traitor gets put in a situation where they have to either risk being suspicious or do something that's against their interests.

(Besides, the MD needs to have something to use that implant gun for. :P)
Merged/implemented earlier today by pali. Title says it all, but toggling Advanced Genetic Analysis now has a ping sound too. Loss of being able to pretend scan has been considered a non-issue. This PR doesn't bring in emagging the console to allow faking pings or any sort of replacement suggested here though, if you were interested in that.

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