12-31-2020, 10:26 PM
Happy New Year! Wishing all of you good health, stability, and better things to come!
This month, we'll be having a poster spriting contest! This super fun idea was brought to you by SimianC!
Your poster's dimensions should be no greater than 28x32 (start small! smaller posters fit in more with the station walls anyways!). You can submit as many posters as you'd like, but you must specify which one you want to be voted on.
The top five participants will each receive a Gannets sticker and an exclusive medal. They'll also have their posters placed ingame. Everyone else will also receive a participation medal (and may also have their posters added at our discretion)!
Submissions will close Wednesday January 27th to allow time for voting. If you need help getting started with spriting, or would just like feedback or advice, come check out the #imspriter channel on Discord! Good luck!
This month, we'll be having a poster spriting contest! This super fun idea was brought to you by SimianC!
Your poster's dimensions should be no greater than 28x32 (start small! smaller posters fit in more with the station walls anyways!). You can submit as many posters as you'd like, but you must specify which one you want to be voted on.
The top five participants will each receive a Gannets sticker and an exclusive medal. They'll also have their posters placed ingame. Everyone else will also receive a participation medal (and may also have their posters added at our discretion)!
Submissions will close Wednesday January 27th to allow time for voting. If you need help getting started with spriting, or would just like feedback or advice, come check out the #imspriter channel on Discord! Good luck!