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Stowaway + Pilot
I've been enjoying Pilot and Stowaway, but I've been thinking about a possible new trait where you start like Pilot, but without an ID and you aren't on the manifest. Maybe without a headset too, but you have a handheld radio? I'd love to be able to roleplay as a true visitor and outsider to NT. Or let us select both stowaway and pilot and have them work like above. I think there's some good fun potential for roleplay stuff like that, but I'm curious what other people think about it! Too niche and specific? Abusable somehow? Boring? Gimmick job instead?
Yeah I've been thinking about this. I'd like to see some synergy between them.
Not starting with an ID, headset, PDA, and being on the manifest doesn't seem particularly strong mechanically at all - it just gimps you on being able to, well, communicate and do your job.

I will say, if you *do* take this trait or combination of traits, you should also only be able to be a Staff Assistant so you don't take up any job slots, or a hidden Explorer/Visitor job that overrides all other job types (except silicons and non-crew antags, where the traits would be nullified)
I think that's the main issue here, I think it should be a gimmick job, but I also want to be able to play as it anytime I want without others taking the slot for it or having to wait for specific days. I don't want Command or SecOffs to pick this trait or combination of traits and end up useless and dead and just hogging a slot, but I'd not want a ton of people exploring off-station for 2 hours with no contact or involvement with the station, while taking up a slot.

It would be ideal if having the trait/combination of traits would override whatever job you get picked for (except silicons and antags), and instead spawn you as a jobless, non-manifest player that doesn't take up slots. Is that even possible, or too bothersome?
If I could I would always start the round being launched by a missile. Its like stowaway but cooler
Permanent roundstart missile sounds sort of like a "they're your problem now" story from another ship or station. :P

What you're suggesting sounds more like a tourist than a crew member, so maybe they could just not be on the manifest entirely?
I haven't done a whole lot with pilot because it tends to be a deathtrap (especially on ocean maps) but there's not a whole lot out there to do if you don't have equipment from the station. Or maybe you could visit the off-station mech lab each round to get tools. Even aside from that, all of the debris field (and really all non-station for that matter) is just...dead. Stowaway + pilot as it is right now would still mean you'll have to get to the station and ditch your pod to do anything interesting.
The ability to get stuff going off-station would be nice for this.
I think the point is more for RP purposes to make a more unique start to one's round, especially if someone likes to play a specific character as a tourist or traveller. While I definitely think that more stuff to do in the debris field would be nice, or a more dynamic debris field being a thing, not everything needs to be mechanically interesting or engaging to be enjoyable - bike horns have little mechanical merit and are still fun to have, for example.
Point taken, but even for RP it'd be nice if there's more opportunity to get a little history or background going before you get to the station.

Also somewhat unrelated pilot ships should start with some kind of weapon tbh.
We could definitely use more stuff in the Debris and Asteroid Fields and Trench, at least a clothing booth, but I mainly want this as a way to roleplay specific characters. For example, having no manifest and just sending transmissions to the station via the radio station or radio to make interesting RP scenarios. Being an outsider to the station has the potential for a lot of fun roleplay I think! You have no bank account and have to barter with crew for cash, no ID and have to get one and fill out a bazillion forms probably. Just a lot more potential for roleplaying.

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