About the PR
PDAs can now have their ringtones changed. They are stored in datums and applied through various programs.
The ringtone datums are highly customizable. You're able to define any number of sounds, whether they're played from that list in order or randomly, the playsound vars for each sound, specific ringer messages to use it set to use them, actions for the ringtone to take after playing certain ringtones, and the ability for the ringtone to listen to your text messages for instructions.
The ringtones can be previewed on your PDA by pressing the preview button. It'll set itself as your PDA's temporary ringtone and send you a message.
Adds the following ringtones:
- The stock standard Two-Beep, available on all PDAs and on a cart in the vendor.
- An obnoxious "wolf pack" cart with random dog noises. Available for about 800,000 credits.
- Some dopey elementary school not-arg learning cart lodged in a monkey sometimes.
- A bundle of silly noises that come with the clown's cart.
- A pirated sound effects library for traitors that'll play explosion noises, gunfire, and csaber stuff while messing up your PDA's speakers.
Why's this needed?
PDAs need more options to be obnoxious. Also I like the idea of each department getting their own ringtones
About the PR
PDAs can now have their ringtones changed. They are stored in datums and applied through various programs.
The ringtone datums are highly customizable. You're able to define any number of sounds, whether they're played from that list in order or randomly, the playsound vars for each sound, specific ringer messages to use it set to use them, actions for the ringtone to take after playing certain ringtones, and the ability for the ringtone to listen to your text messages for instructions.
The ringtones can be previewed on your PDA by pressing the preview button. It'll set itself as your PDA's temporary ringtone and send you a message.
Adds the following ringtones:
- The stock standard Two-Beep, available on all PDAs and on a cart in the vendor.
- An obnoxious "wolf pack" cart with random dog noises. Available for about 800,000 credits.
- Some dopey elementary school not-arg learning cart lodged in a monkey sometimes.
- A bundle of silly noises that come with the clown's cart.
- A pirated sound effects library for traitors that'll play explosion noises, gunfire, and csaber stuff while messing up your PDA's speakers.
Why's this needed?
PDAs need more options to be obnoxious. Also I like the idea of each department getting their own ringtones
(*)PDAs can now use different ringtones! Ask the clown if you can borrow their ringtone program.
(+)The Syndicate are dirty software pirates, supplying their agents with stolen copies of a certain PDA compatible sound effect library for a single TC.