Posts: 8
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Joined: Nov 2020
BYOND Username: 0nemore
Character Name: Henry Greene
Usual character name: Henry Greene
BYOND username: 0nemore
Discord username (if you are on our discord): 0nemore
Recommended by (if applicable): ….Me?
Goon servers you play: RP, RP Overflow
Reason for application: Honestly? I could lie and give you a three paragraph slammer on how me wanting to play HOS and NTSO is for the good of the community, but in all honesty it's because I want to, I've been playing sec for a while, I enjoy it, and my experience can help others.
Security experience (300 word minimum): Now, I've been playing SS13 since... last summer? So a good year and a half, my usual servers are NSV, Baystation and goon, Goon used to be a once in a while thing, but I've been playing it alot more since I joined the RP server(less chaos, got bored of getting yeeted the moment I joined on the shuttle)
When I play security, I'm usually the one running the forensics, which I'll say is a very useful mechanic to use, however, I'll usually be the one hunting down the ones I find by myself as Security is either very underworked or overworked, for RP, I usually give the criminals the ability to talk their way out, what I enjoy most about playing sec is the interesting interactions you get, everything from getting a leg stolen to some guys wanting to sue janitors for not using slip signs.
I'm usually the one out looking through things or on patrol, patrol being a loose term of hanging around cargo or walking around, I understand that I will have more things to do than just standard grunt work as HoS such as coordinating security as a whole, taking care of problems that the command staff have, and approving the very rarely used fine system.
I've had plenty of experience playing security on other servers, however the other servers I play are all on the TG branch of SS13. While this cannot count for knowhow of mechanics on goon, it does for sec RP and general conduct.
Answer two or more of the following:- What advice would you give to other sec players?
1. Unless you have knowledge from that round that PDAs are used for SpyThief bounties or Syndicate Uplinks, you shouldn't confiscate them, and by proof I mean solid, guy forgot to lock their PDA proof. 2. Medication is important, you should probably have some brute patches or synthpatch boxes from med if you can, if you get a MedU Cartridge even better. I always carry a calomel syringe or autoinjector just in case. 3. Always communicate, a silent sec team won't get anything done cohesively, often having multiple people chasing one suspect and others forgotten, I have seen people forget who their other sec offs are and are surprised to find one dead due to not checking in often. 4. Permabrigging shouldn't be done, borging or a properly roleplayed execution should only be done if they are extremely uncompliant or uncontainable. 5. Always give your fellow sec officers the benefit of the doubt, you're on the same team, if you see them beating someone on the ground, sure stop them, but secure the suspect first then worry about their misdemeanor. 6. If you have glove ID but no prints, a good idea is to check departments for prints on their doors, this may tell you what department they're from or where they have visited. A really good way to catch someone who was wearing gloves. 7. Don't give the antags no way out, you should always leave a way for them to talk or DE-ESCULATE which is very important. 8. Do not metagrudge or target someone because they like rolling antag alot. This can really sour your relationship with the person in question and the community in general. 9. Don't wear a mask all the time, hell you don't even need a helmet usually, even if you get in a melee fight they're going to have to deal with your two shot stun stick. (I totally don't run around wearing a gas mask all day.) 10. Smoke. It enhances your RP when you breathe the smoke all over the criminal you're interrogating.
- What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
I shot someone with a tranq rifle they dropped but it turned out to be lethals, and I literally went "WHAT.". And with comedic timing, another officer walks in and sees this guy bleeding out in the interrogation room with me holding a rifle. So of course, he shot me with the stunshottie.... just as the perp gets up, grabs their rifle again and unloads two shots into me, they get away and I get sent to the medbay, only to die when the surgeon put a scalpel where my lung should've went, 10/10 round.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):- Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
Based on past experiences:The clown took HeinsbeeSecurity can't find himHe's in the crusher
- What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Paperwork. All of the paperwork, make people write formal apologies, file arrest reports, search warrants, if it ain't documented it ain't valid. I can see that either causing me to get lynched or... yeah just getting lynched.
- Draw a picture!
I can't draw... 
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I was banned for one minute on Bee midcombat for losing a bet.
Posts: 8
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Joined: Nov 2020
BYOND Username: 0nemore
Character Name: Henry Greene
Apprarantly the spacing on the list broke and I can't edit it to fix it oof, It also seems that Goons whitelists are more based on community appeal so dunno if I'm gonna get many responses.
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BYOND Username: Telareti
Character Name: Ranni
when i play sec or even when i do cap, henry is one of the sec i see doing a lot and communicating which is KEY as sec, he also helps other sec members out and teaches them how to do certain things like use terms, and is very fair when i see him process someone, overall i think he would be a good hos friend
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BYOND Username: Wrench-1
Character Name: Maverick Sabre / Evelyn Copperpot / Eve Evans / E.V.E.
I've played with Henry quite a few times as Sec, with him more recently being an Officer that has stuck out to me. Very actively, he coordinates with his team to make sure all is running smoothly, and is very swift and decisive when it comes to processing and handling of criminals.
But as a major note, Henry is probably one of the best Officers I've seen when it comes to general forensics and tracking. As mentioned above by him, he has his method of narrowing down unknown glove IDs through forensics by scanning doors, which isn't something, including myself, really ever thought to do. In addition, only just last night, he used a packet sniffer and ping tool to find a lost Detective PDA, which was also Spy Uplink, and then proceeded to run dispatch for us letting us know about dangerous item rewards and what items are needed for them so we can confiscate them before any Spy could get their hands of them, and cause more mayhem. This is probable the round I was impressed by him the most.
With his dedication to RP and keeping rounds fun for all, experience in the Security role, and general out of the box and BIG BRAIN thinking, I believe he is ready for the beret!
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BYOND Username: Cthucky
I don't play RP at all, and try to not comment on applications where I don't have experience, but I read yours on a whim and from your application I think you'd be an excellent Head of Security.
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BYOND Username: Drewmajor11
Character Name: Echo Five
Aside from the talking about his application too much(I mean like every 5 seconds which he said was a joke) Which he does seem to have stopped doing, he is a good security officer that I can trust to do basic and more advanced tasks typically when I'm dealing with issues myself.
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BYOND Username: Gerticus
Character Name: Gert Abbott, Nano, Sugar the Clown
I've played a few sec rounds with Henry Greene and they are always great to have on the team. Thorough investigator, never seen an overuse of force, and great communicator over the radio.
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BYOND Username: Kamades
Character Name: Raphael Zahel
I've spent a few rounds either on a team with Henry or observing them. While I will say their communication is decent, they seem to have a tendancy of doing entirely too much, without involving other departments. Treating both themselves and others out of the portanano rather than involving the (large, and often bored) medical staff, carrying a fair whack of advanced meds, and not involving departments when they ought to be looped in.
I've also seen them get into a few scraps with other officers, due to, presumably, boredom, which is not something I am super impressed with from someone wanting to be a Head.
-1 for me, for now.
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BYOND Username: Nefarious6th
I'm going to have to give this a -1 for now.
Some good things: your forensics work is commendable and thorough, and oftentimes useful in running something down. You can communicate well when you do communicate, and you don't have much issue trying to take charge. You don't jump to instant conclusions and generally do good detective work trying to piece together a story that is in-round believable.
I am aware of the Nanomed stuff from earlier posts, and that you pick up a medical PDA to do reagent scans. I've also noticed you rush the insulated gloves in security, then wear them for the rest of the round even if you don't need them and other officers do to extract people.
I watched a round where you did artsci on Manta with two scientists in the room as a Sec Off; threats were being called out over radio including reports of nukies and someone being attacked in the chapel, you were using the Nanomed to treat a scientist one hall down from medical for ingesting cyanide ice cream. You fixed a hacked door to engineering with a bag of a full set of tools without notifying engineering they had a hacked door. You asked another officer "were you not listening to comms" when they asked about the location of the cloaked nukies for clarification, after you missed the initial reports of people in exosuits about 10 minutes earlier while doing the Nanomed stuff. I honestly tapped out of that round at minute 60 and didn't see the rest. As separate things, these maybe aren't so bad. All together in one round, and it concerns me.
Internally, I saw a round where there was a full house in security on Oshan, and someone tried to figure out what general areas people wanted to be at; you did not respond to whether you would be patrolling and where you'd be doing it. All of these things give me a sense of kind of lone-wolf Security, that you don't enjoy depending on others within or without your Security team; my favorite HoSes have known that not only do I depend on them, but they can also depend on me. I believe that kind of trust is essential, whether it's between a HoS and their security team, or the HoS and the station team. The HoS plays for the station team, not just security or themselves.
My first experience with you on security was way back when you first posted this application, or maybe just before you had posted it; you were a detective in a round I was playing Sec Officer with someone who was 1.) new to the role and 2.) playing with the deaf trait. I alerted everyone on the security PDA group that I was 1.) going to help someone new along and 2.) that they were deaf and PDA communication as primary methods of communicating would be appreciated. As detective, you arrested and brought someone in, then said on the security communications channel that you were "doing more work than [the security officers]". I believe I had to remind you over the channel that I was training, and that I was training someone without access to the sec channel. It was a while ago, maybe you were trying to be a hard-edge detective or meant it as a joke, I don't really know. It ran the wrong way with me. I am appreciative of members of my team who have made the accomodations to play with me when I play with similar traits, or as mime, or as anything else. To me, it spells a genuine interest in including people, and, again, growing the circle of people you can depend on in a round.
One of my more recent memories was watching a round where you detained a grinch in interrogation on Donut 3; the process of you chasing and holding this player in interrogation took more than 30 minutes. You teleported the portabrig into interrogation without a word of what was going on beforehand, while an officer already was working on interrogating someone else in the room. After 30 minutes, another officer had to tell you to finally let the person go. I think that's one level of the kind of ill will that came about from all that, but I thought it would be of note, too, that the person detained for 30 or 45 minutes was so upset about it, they got another non-antag player to help them silently murder a DIFFERENT officer for "revenge" when the shuttle showed up. Decisions to hold people for so long hurt everyone on the team.
Ultimately, I think you have the ability to be a good leader, since you don't shirk from trying to lead, and you do have some innovative and neat skills in your security toolset like PDA tracing and detailed forensics; I think the way in which you do want to lead is something you need to develop and think on.
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Joined: Nov 2020
BYOND Username: 0nemore
Character Name: Henry Greene
12-17-2020, 01:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-17-2020, 01:57 PM by 0nemore.)
To address the concerns raised in the two previous posts:
1. "Treating both themselves and others out of the portanano rather than involving the (large, and often bored) medical staff, carrying a fair whack of advanced meds, and not involving departments when they ought to be looped in." -Kamades
I do carry around a medical PDA, I don't use it to act as a separate medbay, usually it is just taking a styplic patch for minor wounds or using it to grab something to purge poisons in extreme cases. I do carry around an ampule of smelling salts and an auto injector of epi, which I use for emergencies, I do see how it may be viewed as powergaming but it's something that I have found very useful to have.
2. "I've also seen them get into a few scraps with other officers, due to, presumably, boredom, which is not something I am super impressed with from someone wanting to be a Head." -Kamades
Yes it's out of boredom but it's mostly playing around, I also do not do it often, usually it's when security is a full team and we're having lots of downtime, it's never anything lethal either, just teasing and jokes.
3. "I've also noticed you rush the insulated gloves in security, then wear them for the rest of the round even if you don't need them and other officers do to extract people."
I don't always grab the insulated gloves from security, as when I gear up I usually visit the main brig last, if they are not taken then I will usually grab the pair. I do note that the insulated gloves are useful and this is one piece of criticism which I will fix, the insuls are useful and should have a pair in security. However, note that the rounds where I take the insulated gloves from security are usually the shifts where I am the only officer.
4. "I watched a round where you did artsci on Manta with two scientists in the room as a Sec Off; threats were being called out over radio including reports of nukies and someone being attacked in the chapel, you were using the Nanomed to treat a scientist one hall down from medical for ingesting cyanide ice cream."
I knew the two scientists from other in character interactions, I was mostly just there to talk while everything was slow, I did hit artifacts with the baton for them however. The treating the scientist for the cyanide icecream part, I gave them a calomel injector then a charcoal one, and they were carted off the medical by Santa who gave them the cyanide icecream in the first place.
5. "You asked another officer "were you not listening to comms" when they asked about the location of the cloaked nukies for clarification, after you missed the initial reports of people in exosuits about 10 minutes earlier while doing the Nanomed stuff."
The "were you not listening on comms" part was in response to someone asking "wait, what cloakers?" The Where are the cloakers message was sandwiched inbetween so I can see the confusion there. And the reports of people in exosuits... Goon doesn't have exosuits?
6. "Internally, I saw a round where there was a full house in security on Oshan, and someone tried to figure out what general areas people wanted to be at; you did not respond to whether you would be patrolling and where you'd be doing it."
I usually state where I'll be hanging for the round at the start, and if that Oshan round was the one with the multiple bomb threats, I stated that I was going to be hanging around Bar/Botany at the start of the shift.
7. "One of my more recent memories was watching a round where you detained a grinch in interrogation on Donut 3; the process of you chasing and holding this player in interrogation took more than 30 minutes. You teleported the portabrig into interrogation without a word of what was going on beforehand, while an officer already was working on interrogating someone else in the room. After 30 minutes, another officer had to tell you to finally let the person go."
This is one of the more recent rounds, yes and I remember this round in horrible detail. While what you say did happen, you're missing on WHY it happened, when I first suspected it was them, I asked them if they would mind answering some questions in security, and they said sure but after they had a drink from the bar, then we spents around 5 minutes there while they tried to order two more drinks. When I finally got them into interrogation, they were keen on avoiding all my questions, and when I brought out the evidence (a piece of poisoned pizza with their gloveprints) They decided to eat it after I told them not to, which then I had to take them to medbay for cloning due to uh.... large amounts of toxins. I then wandered off to go back on patrol, noting to finish up the investigation later. When I come back to security around 10 minutes later, I find the guy in the brig yelling for the officers to let them go, it seems someone set them to arrest while I was out and about, so I took them back to continue questioning them, then follows 10 minutes of them skirting around my questions again, at that point I was pretty done, so I gave them their sentence (which was a tracking implant and being set on parolled, since we were already in the brig for so long), they decided then to use the heart shrink thing on me which lead to them being detained by security AGAIN and sentenced to more time. One point you got wrong is that no one told me to stop, it seemed everyone was busy with other things too. When I got back, I just took them out of their cell and threw them outside, I didn't know they got a non antag to kill another sec officer, as that was SILENT.
8. "As detective, you arrested and brought someone in, then said on the security communications channel that you were "doing more work than [the security officers]"."
I mean't that as a joke, and I have not played detective since I made the application. I do remember someone saying they were training someone, but I didn't know I offended them with my joke.
9. "The HoS plays for the station team, not just security or themselves."
This is true, and I feel like I have been as lenient as possible on antagonists during my time as security, often letting them keep contraband with a promise to get a permit from the HoS, or remove brig time in favor for a promise and implants.
Over all, thank you two for the criticism, this highlights some parts of my playstyle I may need to work on, I do want to say a few of the problems here are just misunderstandings or conclusions drawn from partial information. Somethings I know I need to fix now are:
1. Leave the insuls in sec even if you're the only guy there.
2. Don't play 4 security rounds in a row (Which is my only excuse for the Manta round Nefarious mentioned)
3. Don't overuse the Nano-Med, we have doctors.
Oh right, one thing I forgot, the Donut 3 grinch thing, I didn't teleport them into the brig without a word, we were talking outside of sec before the stuff I mentioned happened, along with having the guy who tipped me off about them there.
The door to engineering on Manta wasn't hacked, I unscrewed it and found it in working condition, so I screwed it back and closed it, most likely explanation was that someone blocked the door open which stops it from closing until someone closes it manually?
When I play, I usually play for multiple rounds in a row, and this is nearly every day and most of it is as security, the problem is, since I haven't gotten enough feedback on my application, I feel it is because I have not made that much of an impression on people, so I strive to play more security to meet more people, playing while extremely burnt out does affect my playstyle, I get sloppier, less talking (as with everyone) and that may impact the experiences people have with me, so that's some fault on my end.
In general, thank you for the criticism, if this application doesn't make it, I think I have a good chance in two months or so as I now know what mistakes I have made.
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BYOND Username: Drewmajor11
Character Name: Echo Five
Gonna be honest, after the more recent comments and me noticing he does do these things sometimes, while I do think he is generally pretty decent they need to work on some stuff. I'm not giving a -1 but I'm gonna place my stance as indifferent instead unless I do see change or something of the sort.
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Has been continually advertising this application and begging for people to give him their approval ever since the most recent comments were added. -1
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BYOND Username: Technature
Ya want my opinion?
Asking for people to say good things on your mentor application all day is a really fast way to get people (or me at least) to say no.
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BYOND Username: Drago156
Character Name: Drago Kitterson, Frex Lutlie
(12-20-2020, 12:20 PM)Technature Wrote: Ya want my opinion?
Asking for people to say good things on your mentor application all day is a really fast way to get people (or me at least) to say no.
So firstly, absolutely this. DO NOT advertise your app, that's very frowned upon and will get more negative views than positive.
Secondly, just quickly popping your sec experience text into a word doc came out to 253 words, meaning you're missing 47 words from the required minimum.
-1 from me as well.
I would suggest taking this app as a learning experience on what to improve upon and what not to do in the future.
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BYOND Username: Slazzy
Character Name: Gunnar Gustafsson/Heimdallr (Silicon)
While agreeing with my friends in purple above, I will say that you are an enjoyable SecOff/Detective to play with and generally have your shit together pretty well.
Glad to see you're taking the criticism seriously and definitely hoping to see you continue to play Sec and apply again in the future - I think with a bit of polish you could make a solid HoS.