Pestilancer's Mentor Reapplication. :)
Previous Application :
Usual character name: Kayden Hunt
BYOND username: JDmudkip
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Pestilancer
Goon servers you play: Goon #4 and occasionally goon #2.

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum): As explained in my previous application I thorougly enjoy helping people out and I desperately wish to be a purple boy to do that much easier. Often as a ghost I sit there internally screaming at myself for not being able to help someone who needs it. I'll keep this somewhat brief as most things were covered in my previous application. Since then I've learned engineering, had more experience with medical, and just gotten better at everything and honed my skills. I've started playing goon in 2019, took a break, then came back after tamtotide and have played quite a bit since then. I've got something of a personal limitation to try my best to not powergame due to how often I see everyone else doing so. I believe that if I get added to the mentor team I will help everyone out and not use my newfound UNLIMITED POWER to ruin everyone's day with INCESSIENT TIPS! 

Other stuff:
So far I've kept a squeaky clean record with the admins, done quite a few fun bits and just have had a good time playing the game and following all of the rules. Admittedly I haven't learned every single thing about every facet of this game but isn't being a mentor a good way to learn these things? 
In summary:
This application might be a little shorter than the previous one but I've already covered most things in that one so I think it's fine. I love to help people and I'd love to learn more about this wonderous game I find myself drawn to. Becoming a tiny stinky mouse that runs around and helps people, instructing them in the ways to prosper and learn, would be a great dream of mine. I hope you find my mentorship request sufficient and I promise if I join I will not use the benefits that come with being a mentor to my advantage. If you accept this application then I look forward to joining the team soon!
Hes saved me a few times from the brink of death in medbay, at points where some people would let you die for cloning. Seems knowledgable when playing.

Kayden is knowledgeable, fun to play with wether antag or not, and I think he can be trusted not to metagame with the mentor tools.

Generally all around pleasant in the discord, though I've yet to catch 'em in game recently. Pretty knowledgeable nerd and would make a good mentor imo.

smart nerd, cool guy, and more of a nerd than i am honestly

Pestilancer introduced me to SS13, and is by far my favorite player. As a mentor from Yogs, I can say that he will 100% be great mentor material, and is also very nice in general. Cool dude, soon to be cool mentor. Without a doubt,

I don't play 2 and 4 often but when I see you, you always seem competent and nice. +1
It's always great fun to play with Pestilancer and they're happy to help players if they have questions during a round. I've had nothing but positive interactions with them and I see them often on overflow. +1 from me.
We are going to pass on this application at this time. You are welcome to re-apply in 60 days if you still wish to seek mentor status at that time.

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