Usual character name: Sasha Flick
BYOND username: DimWhat
Discord username (if you are on our discord): DimWhat
Recommended by (if applicable): Drago Kitterson, Sord, Kamedes, uranium pew-35, Rlocks, makkipakki, Juiced-UPP ToASter TAnNER, ThePotato, Vampirate, and Retrino (Maybe more, but I couldn't find them easily on the discord)
Goon servers you play: Goon 4 and rarely Goon 2
Reason for application: To get people to stop bullying me I'm applying for HoS because I've grown quite tired of having to practically beg my fellow officers to stop chasing that assistant who shoved you once or stop arresting some guy who just left the brig or to not open the armoury for nothing. The list goes on really. I feel if I were to become HoS I would have more leeway in convincing my fellow security to not do some of these dumb things
Security experience (300 word minimum): My journey through the security department has been a long and difficult one. I started playing security because I saw all those mean officers that tried either nearly murdered me for walking into security or those officers that tried to kill everyone. I thought all that was wrong even as a new player I felt it was all out of wack. So I played a few security rounds and it was rough. People were mean and I was mostly scared when I was sec. This lasted until I played a round where there was another officer. That's when I learned the power of comradery. The round was gangs too so it ended up being one of my favorite security rounds to this day. I learned a lot from that round, like how to properly use my taser or how to properly baton all because I had backup when I messed up. While there was no HoS that round. The team helped me a lot as an officer. And I picked up on many tips and tricks throughout the two months I've played sec. But fighting wasn't everything to me. I had Ticketmaster to hold my hand throughout my rounds of sec. When I saw something that the crew is having fun with but wasn't safe I would ticket it. The goonhub page on tickets taught me a lot on how to properly handle certain scenarios as sec. I wasn't there to stop the fun of a round. I was there to try and keep the round from absolutely falling apart. I talked on the discord about a few of my sec rounds and was rather completely taken aback when I was told to apply for HoS. I kinda got a little anxious about playing sec. Because all these people thought I was good, when I felt like I was still a garbage officer. So I stepped up my game for a month to be the best officer there is. And here I am, one month later, with an application. All it took me was a few silly harmbatons and being nice.
Answer two or more of the following:
BYOND username: DimWhat
Discord username (if you are on our discord): DimWhat
Recommended by (if applicable): Drago Kitterson, Sord, Kamedes, uranium pew-35, Rlocks, makkipakki, Juiced-UPP ToASter TAnNER, ThePotato, Vampirate, and Retrino (Maybe more, but I couldn't find them easily on the discord)
Goon servers you play: Goon 4 and rarely Goon 2
Reason for application: To get people to stop bullying me I'm applying for HoS because I've grown quite tired of having to practically beg my fellow officers to stop chasing that assistant who shoved you once or stop arresting some guy who just left the brig or to not open the armoury for nothing. The list goes on really. I feel if I were to become HoS I would have more leeway in convincing my fellow security to not do some of these dumb things
Security experience (300 word minimum): My journey through the security department has been a long and difficult one. I started playing security because I saw all those mean officers that tried either nearly murdered me for walking into security or those officers that tried to kill everyone. I thought all that was wrong even as a new player I felt it was all out of wack. So I played a few security rounds and it was rough. People were mean and I was mostly scared when I was sec. This lasted until I played a round where there was another officer. That's when I learned the power of comradery. The round was gangs too so it ended up being one of my favorite security rounds to this day. I learned a lot from that round, like how to properly use my taser or how to properly baton all because I had backup when I messed up. While there was no HoS that round. The team helped me a lot as an officer. And I picked up on many tips and tricks throughout the two months I've played sec. But fighting wasn't everything to me. I had Ticketmaster to hold my hand throughout my rounds of sec. When I saw something that the crew is having fun with but wasn't safe I would ticket it. The goonhub page on tickets taught me a lot on how to properly handle certain scenarios as sec. I wasn't there to stop the fun of a round. I was there to try and keep the round from absolutely falling apart. I talked on the discord about a few of my sec rounds and was rather completely taken aback when I was told to apply for HoS. I kinda got a little anxious about playing sec. Because all these people thought I was good, when I felt like I was still a garbage officer. So I stepped up my game for a month to be the best officer there is. And here I am, one month later, with an application. All it took me was a few silly harmbatons and being nice.
Answer two or more of the following:
- What advice would you give to other sec players? The crew is much more trustworthy than you think. It's good to have some assistant watching your back in case you get knocked out. Don't make sec the ellusive department that takes out antags. Bring the crew in to interact in the hunt against the highly murderous antagonist. They are probably itching to use some murder weapon they found.
- What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one) One time on Oshan there was a wizard running around making a mess, not a murdery mess. Just a big ol' mess of the station without flooding it. I chased that wizard with a VERY long ticket trying to give it to her.
- What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players? For the love of all things holy please give security podbay a button that only responds to Military Pods and Putts. Better yet, give them a special communications unit for that button! I'm tired of being locked out of sec when I go out to stop a ling in space or something similar.
- Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer. When I'm alone I tend to be a lone wolf a bit more. I don't talk much on the sec channel nor do I other players as much. When you are the only line of defense. You gotta be a little cautious
- Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
Roses are redViolets are blueI'm bad at poetryuh... sec should be blue?
- What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run? Giving every single crewmember a copy of ticketmaster, in order to dissuade crime from being committed on station. Then collecting every single ticket that is left on the ground and ticketing the person that ticketed that ticket. That gimmick can only end well.
- Draw a picture! I drew Sasha today. I can't stop laughing at this stupid face.