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Antag Tokens should take into account preferences
I feel like this might have been a suggestion made before, but I want to bring it up again. The title is self-explanatory, and I have a few ways I could imagine this being implemented.

A. Upon using a token, you only will use it if the gamemode is capable of spawning an antagonist you have activated on your preferences, if not, it gets refunded.

B. Activating a token allows you to choose what antagonist you want, and you will spawn as it regardless of the mode. (Outside of say, Revs or Nukies or other special modes that change the entire round type.) So there could be a Vampire during a Ling round at round start. I honestly don't think this is that big of a deal since random event antags already throw a wrench into gamemodes.

So besides those simple suggestions, I am well aware of the arguments against these, primarily being:

1. They can be used to meta the gamemode if you don't get the antagonist you want.
My argument against that is it can easily be enforced via rules and tokens are rather rare anyways so it wouldn't be common - furthermore, you can mechanically prevent it by forcing the player to ghost/observe if it's not an appropriate gamemode for the antagonist they want. That can be the risk a player takes when queueing for antag with only say, blob enabled.

2. Tokens are a privilege, not a right, and players aren't owed anything by them and should be glad they can get to be antagonist at all without rng.
I honestly have not much of a comeback against this, because it's true. I just think it would be nice to not get Gang Leader - a mode I notoriously despise playing as my make up for a Ling round ending in the first ten minutes.

Anyways, I understand that tokens are rather niche and more of a nice favor on the point of an Admin as an "I am sorry." for whatever happened in the past, but it's just incredibly frustrating sometimes. Feel free to discuss below.

As a mentor, I usually get messages almost outright telling me who and what the badguys are. Also as a mentor, I completely ignore these messages don't use this metaknowledge ingame cus it's dumb and bad a dumb thing to do.

If you're worried about token-lads metagaming, just take their token if they metagame.
I would cry if I used a token and got blob.
Oopsie doopsie that's an old post from like a year ago huh. Anyways, point still stands I think.
Once upon a time antag tokens could be used mid round.... if that were still the case the player could become (outside of syndies) one of their preferences.
Only thing is, what if the prefs don't align with the round? Like you have only traitor enabled but it's nuke. Is the round forced to roll somebody's prefs? That could lead to some really massive ratio inbalanceses.
I mean I just touched on that and said it would be refunded if it didn't align with yours. Potentially force you to observe if we're that concerned with meta.
But then the antag isn't guaranteed, looping us back to not having the token.
I would rather not get antag and have it refunded to use another round instead of wasting it on something I don't enjoy at all anyways.
How frequently are antag tokens used? Is it often enough that it would really imbalance the game having an antag with some possible metagame knowledge or something like a changeling during a nukeops round?

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