09-02-2020, 01:52 PM
About the PR
So, pod engines claim that they affect pod speed, but they don't actually do that, I think.
This changes that, making it so that when the engine is changed the acceleration and top speed of the pod is updated as well.
I've made it so that the acceleration is less affected than the top speed, so that a strong ramming maneuver with something like the Helios II engine will still need to accelerate a bit more.
- These values could probably use fine tuning though.
- Is it even a good idea to change this now when it's been this way for so long?
- Should a higher tier engine need to be slower to be balanced? (Hermes 3.0 engine)
- Why is the slowest engine called Hermes?
- Will changes be necessary to ramming damage due to higher achievable pod max speed with Helios II engine?
- Did I implement this in a way that could be done better?
- Should we implement similar changes for subs?
Why's this needed?
Even if we decide not to go forward with changing pod speeds, the engine descriptions should be updated to reflect this.
About the PR
So, pod engines claim that they affect pod speed, but they don't actually do that, I think.
This changes that, making it so that when the engine is changed the acceleration and top speed of the pod is updated as well.
I've made it so that the acceleration is less affected than the top speed, so that a strong ramming maneuver with something like the Helios II engine will still need to accelerate a bit more.
- These values could probably use fine tuning though.
- Is it even a good idea to change this now when it's been this way for so long?
- Should a higher tier engine need to be slower to be balanced? (Hermes 3.0 engine)
- Why is the slowest engine called Hermes?
- Will changes be necessary to ramming damage due to higher achievable pod max speed with Helios II engine?
- Did I implement this in a way that could be done better?
- Should we implement similar changes for subs?
Why's this needed?
Even if we decide not to go forward with changing pod speeds, the engine descriptions should be updated to reflect this.
(u) zjdtmkhzt:
(+) TODO: Write stuff once PR is ready to be merged.