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Maschinen Skatborden
Time for a shitty Jhon Warcrimes idea thread 

Click-drag skateboard to an anchored machine
50% chance it tips over onto you 
futher 50% chance it rolls away and smashes into the thing opposite from it, falling off segway style.
pass both checks and you now have a machine on a skateboard that you can drag around, unanchored. It still has segway movement. 
Mmm yes hellburning TEG on a skateboard.
Ok maybe we have a blacklist in place then smile
Even with the high chance of failure it still seems kinda OP. The balence to many machines is that they're bolted to the ground and too big to reliably move.
We've got skateboards and rails now fyi
Hrm, skateboarding adventure zone objects, yes
am thinkin about making this an a-zone prize, one-of.
a pallet jack perhaps

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