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More machines to the AI core.
So, this is an idea I've thrown around Discord a few times. People seem to like it. Basically, I'm proposing machines are added to the AI core that allow certain functions so it's not all just centeralized to the actual object. Some reasons for this are:

* Making the AI seem more "real" and like a big, complex machine.
* Giving anybody non-evil reasons to enter the AI core and not just the upload.
* More motivation to actually put the AIs into the core room.
* Making the AI more modular and upgradable.
* Giving power to the AI core more importance.
* More ways to sabatoge and stop the AI without outright killing it.

These machines (let's call them "servers" from this point on) would be big-ass computers following the general Goonstation electronics visual style (I can try to sprite them, but quality is not guaranteed). Some of them might have little brains inside of them that aren't sapient or anything. Kinda like lobes to a human brain. Servers may also have their own parts that go inside of them that allow their cool functions. Maybe these parts can be aquired different "exotic" ways and added to the AI for new, stranger abilities. Like some prefab containing one that allows  When the servers are disconnected/destroyed entirely, the AI loses access to the cool powers and becomes mostly an angry box. Due to the mapping changes needed, these probably can only exist on certain maps, similar to how the torpedos only exist on Manta.

I've already had some ideas for servers, feel free to share your thoughts on them and propose your own. IMO ~12 would be a good amount to have.

Visual Interface:
A server containing a small synthetic brain that constantly monitors every camera onboard. When damaged random cameras will go offline. It also would enable the AI to have overlays. Health, security status, job, etc. It can be tampered with to "forget" certain faces and lable them as unknown, disable tracking entirely, cause hallucinations, etc. Some cool powers it can get from new parts may include X-rays and shit.

Shell Interface:
Allows the AI to use shells. Has modules which allow it to use shells that loaded certain modules, including one that lets it use the little shitty shells that spawn at round-start. Maybe it also has an upgrade that allows the AI to control empty pods.

Consciousness Transphere device:
Allows AIs to late-join and leave in a process similar to cryo for humans. Maybe it would also be able to let the AI upload into different machines besides the core, if anything like that ever exists.

Voice Generator:
Lets the AI speak. Can if damaged or tampered with it will give the AI accents or change the name.

Server Interface:
Lets the AI use servers.

Brain-to-network translation device:
Acts as a DWAINE terminal and allows different network-related powers like calling the emergancy shuttle. Probably comes installed with a shitload of programs and hardware. Maybe with some AI-only abilities that can't be done with a normal human and keyboard since it's like "beaming" the AI's thoughts into the network.

Internal Consoles:
Lets the AI use different non-TermOS consoles as a verb. It starts with all the consoles usually found in the AI chamber, and using boards, new ones can be added.

General Storage Computer:
Stores information not already covered by other servers. When damaged the AI is told to act stupider.

Machine Interface:
Lets the AI access machines over cameras. Maybe with some upgrade that lets it access thing off-camera and such.

Maintence Interface:
Lets humans access the servers without being directly next to them. It would also have a networked comptuer outside of the core (in the upload, maybe also the bridge?) that lets meatbags interface with the servers. Probably with a security feature that puts it into a mode disable remote access.


Lets the AI use the internal radio. It can be configured to accept basically any frequency, and encrpyption keys can be added. It starts with access to all the main channels.

Wireless transmitter:
Allows everything involving radio that isn't audio. PDA messages, packet fuckery, etc.
Most of this is actually a substantial nerf to the AI, which is limited enough in its options already. I do agree that addons would be cool and open the door to shenanigans, but the AI should start with its current toolset (cameras, radios, server/DWAINE, shuttle calls, ect).

Things I do like include an upgrade for wireless shenanigans, voice, and the idea of being able to get bigger shells/borgs/pods. The last could be made to affect all silicons, opening up progressively cooler (and perhaps more powerful and/or more dangerous) modules. Useful for the station in general, but exceptional for a traitor roboticist.
No it would start with all the stuff it currently has. It could just get new things added, and if somebody is evil enough, the current things can be removed. Although the core should probably have like shitty "emergancy" versions just so it's not dead in the water without the servers. Part of the idea is that traitors can remove or slow down some of the starting abilities without killing the AI entirely. Yadda yadda, total removal from the round is boring.
I would definitely love making the AI seem much more like a big complicated machine, like GLaDOS, rather than a single little mainframe computer. However, I think that the AI's functions should be built into the body itself.
I think that this idea *could* work, in another way:

Cycle Points. A CP is essentially the AI equivalent of a Wraith Point, allowing you to do certain abilities. Now, everything (or almost everything) the AI currently has should be *free*, or at least incredibly cheap. What I am suggesting otherwise is additional abilities. Additionally, your Cycle Regeneration, or CR, could be determined by some machines around you - you could turn them on to increase your CR and subsequently CP, and toggle between a CR boost and CP storage boost. They would eat a *lot* of power, of course, so you couldn't use them unless the power grid is doing well.
Some possible uses of CP would be:

* Instantly restoring all APCs on the station to Automatic, intended to be used after an ion storm
* Faking a voice over the radio
* Forcing a camera back online
* Forcing your way into a machine whose AI control wire has been cut, including airlocks
* POSSIBLY overloading lights
* Making extra viewports, above the 5 cap (maybe with a hard cap no matter what depending on how laggy they are - i just want more viewports god damn it)
* Making announcements
* Locating, but not being able to track, someone with an Agent ID
* Spending a LOT of points to hack something (similar to the decay ability of wraiths, but much more limited)
* Directly controlling a bot
* Blowing yourself up in a blast similar to a maxcap TTV (for when you're very rogue and someone has taken the direct option of killing you, and you wanna take them out with you)

Of course these are all just ideas and not actual things that should 100% be implemented - the last one in particular is just something I found funny, but would also love to have actually added.

I do like the idea of sabotaging the AI so that it's basically neutered in its extra capabilities, instead of outright killing it. Even more so, I (as an AI main) would LOVE to have to manage a resource in order to do things I want to do.
I do really like the idea that would include temporary or permanent buffs/upgrades to all silicons, specifically unlocked with the AI's CP, such as unlocking radio communications that can't be interfered with, power/speed buffs, alerting silicon deaths on the silicon frequency, seeing any silicons' GPS location from the Robotics Console, adding additional radios, etc. This should include toggles that will increase or decrease CR (for example, increasing ai eye movement speed would decrease CR, but slowing it could increase CR; or toggling remote health scans on/off, which would act as though you've used a basic health scanner on someone when you observe them)

I think that, also, the central AI - as in, the first AI to be placed on the floor where the auxiliary cycle generating/storing machines connect to - should be the one to have full control over the upgrades/toggles.

Fuck I *really* like this overall idea and really want more dynamic AI gameplay.
Maybe it could be a combination of "gimmic" servers that grant powers and "normal" ones that grant somekind of processor points (PP)?
I like where aft is going with this actually. Perhaps additions could be made to increase Cycle Point generation and capacity. And maybe some traitor robotics (MAYBE mechanic and engineer) things to hardwire a hidden law or similar into one of the addon pieces so people have to try to find it while the AI is attempting to shoot them.
I was thinking maybe a traitor roboticist/MD/CE could have mods that allow the AI to do evil things.
There could be floor slots that you screw the AI into that allow it to be wired to different things

So you come into the AI core, drag it to a slot, and then plug it in. You can have AI plugs in places like adventure zone, where putting an AI there allows them to take control of systems
I *really* like the sound of Frank's suggestion. A modular AI that requires a big room for it to sit in is fucking awesome.
(Also the AI can already interface adventure zone systems if someone has a camera helmet)
Some possible modules could be as follows:
Basic Cycle Regenerators or Batteries
Auxiliary Intelligence Module - essentially makes a sub-AI from a ghost that the AI player has authority over, kinda like a mindslave. The central AI can tell it what to do and toggle various abilities it can access, such as speaking over the radio or accessing airlocks.
Syndicate AI Module - A module that will, while installed, completely overwrite your lawset and replace it with the Syndicate lawset found in Syndicate borgs. This applies to all cyborgs. Additionally, the AI and all borgs will be considered 'traitors' and, while the module is active, be able to see fellow traitors, including the human which installed the module! Of course, it is very big, red, and noticeable.
Optimization Module - Increases AI eye speed, how fast you hack doors, decreases power consumption, adds a 4th radio slot, and possibly some other stuff.
Borg Tracker Module - Allows the AI to view the GPS coordinate of any borg or shell, as well as its current area. Also enables borg death alerts over the silicon frequency.
Recall Module - Allows the AI to recall the shuttle. This operation costs cycles.
VOX Module - Allows the AI to use VOX. Obtainable through admemes and possibly a trader (but ludicrously expensive - like, millions of credits)
Core Defense Module - Gives the AI some kind of AoE effect around it (maybe a simple barrier that requires a good beating to take down, or a field that shocks you, or something), making it much more difficult to actually reach the AI to kill it
Nuclear Warhead - No I'm not biased as an AI main in any way shape or form BEEP BOOP GIVE THE AI A NUKE (Should cost a buttload of cycles to activate)

The addition of modules would require reworks of a lot of AI Cores, though, and some maps (like Destiny) just... would not be able to support them. Well, it would depend - I think that some of these could be smaller objects like a big tape drive or computer that could be inserted into something, but most should definitely be big solid objects that you gotta push into a module slot.
(07-23-2020, 11:17 AM)aft2001 Wrote: The addition of modules would require reworks of a lot of AI Cores, though, and some maps (like Destiny) just... would not be able to support them. Well, it would depend - I think that some of these could be smaller objects like a big tape drive or computer that could be inserted into something, but most should definitely be big solid objects that you gotta push into a module slot.

Yeah see, that's why I thought it should be a map-exlusive mechanic.
(07-23-2020, 11:17 AM)aft2001 Wrote: The addition of modules would require reworks of a lot of AI Cores, though, and some maps (like Destiny) just... would not be able to support them. Well, it would depend - I think that some of these could be smaller objects like a big tape drive or computer that could be inserted into something, but most should definitely be big solid objects that you gotta push into a module slot.

Some maps could have it in the core, if it is workable. Others could have them wired in weird corners and tucked away in small rooms. Really, anywhere that has a wired connection should count which will let roboticists build new and exciting improvements and tuck them in a back closet. They'd glow a tiny bit and have an AI face on a screen so people can find and disconnect them though.

The worst part would be the actual AI rework, I think.
(07-23-2020, 04:19 PM)Erev Wrote: The worst part would be the actual AI rework, I think.
Oh 100%. It would require a pretty sizeable rework of how AI is done, I'd imagine. But, not an overhaul per se (I hope), just a bit of a rework. I'd like to know the thoughts of someone who actually knows how the codebase works though!
I am ok with this, so long as we can help the AI break their cycles (of guilt) through some means, perhaps there could be cores that could generate cycles just as a bonus for existing, maybe have the placed at different points on a station underneath a glass window shield. This could allow low clearance players to assist in defeating a rogue AI without having to approach it, perhaps forcing the AI to use cyborgs to defend them.
Ooh, actually I quite like the idea of an AI that needs to be defeated by damaging or destroying key components. Though, I'm not sure if it's too necessary, since if you're gonna break the AI you might as well killswitch, suicide law, or just telesci onto it.

As an alternative, perhaps maps could have AI Substations scattered throughout that would support cycle generators and batteries, could be damaged/disabled, and could be repaired/enabled, so that you could weaken the AI without actually confronting its core. And yes, destroying these as a non-antag should 100% be grief unless the AI is *very* clearly rogue, since they're important for the AI to continue functioning as well as it can.

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