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remove possums from polymorph
being a possum is genuinely a worse existence than being a cluwne. why? because cluwnes can at least die, and aren't stunned for a long time whenever someone does a common emote. it's genuinely the worst experience i've ever had with this game, because nothing, not even the crusher, could kill me and whenever someone nearby screams you cannot do ANYTHING. i've seen several people BEGGING for death after being possum'd because they couldn't do anything, and one of them was in medbay, where a lot of brute injuries were being treated. it's an awful existence i would only wish on the worst of shitters. remove it please god
Oh god yes, you can't even monkey clone them as you're immortal. Screm!
I get risking bad luck and poor choices and all but, yeah. This seems a bit overkill and worth removing.
Fukin possums

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