Jarjarking12's Mentor Application
Usual character name: Fenton Straub
BYOND username: Jarjarking12
Discord username: Jeebs
Recommended by: N/A
Goon servers you play: Goon 2

Reason for application + game experience 

Mentorship has really looked appealing to me ever since i started picking up more tricks about the game. The recent addition of the mentor mouse makes it even more appealing to me, and i want to be able to help out newer players coming to the game that want to play. I understand the learning process of the game takes a while, and I think I could help players learn essential tips and tricks that all goons should know. I believe my addition of knowledge to the mentor team will give another active hand to those who need it in this incredibly complex game!

As of writing, I have about 700+ rounds played and have watched and experienced plenty of situations that players may be confused about when learning the game. I began playing back around late 2018-early 2019 and started teaching myself the game by watching experienced players play and use my own methods and creativity with it. I'm very experienced with the combat system (with ability-based antagonists and "martial arts") and I feel like I have mastered it over the amount of hours that I've spent in the game, and I want other players to have the same knowledge in order to enhance their experience. There are a lot of "hidden" mechanics in the game that I wish I knew when i was learning the game, and I feel like helping others will make the game better for everybody. I am always willing to lend my hand to people who want to learn about the game, and it's fun for me to teach another player about the game!

Over the amount of time that I've played, which has been very frequent since 2019, would be good for somebody in a mentor position, and it's why i feel like I should apply for mentor to try to teach and coach as best i can with what i know. The Mentor mouse is another great addition that really made me want to help out other people with it!
[b]Even for me now, I find mentorhelp a very helpful thing to use if I'm ever unsure about something mechanically.[/b]

Experience is the best teacher in this game, and I want to help guide players into the deeper mechanics of the game that make it enjoyable to play that took me ages to learn on my own. With a mentor's help, this learning process can be made just a little easier and more enjoyable overall. 

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
1 day ban; previous post about it in admin complaints has a detailed description of the ban.
permanent ban (appealed after about 6 months) for evading above ban near expiration
Due to unfortunate circumstances I haven't been able to play the game in a while but the last time I saw Fenton over-react it wasn't great. Much less so the reaction since we all get salty at time but more so the frequency of it.

Perhaps they've changed during the time span in which I've missed the game, which I hope so but otherwise I feel like this is worth mentioning
I'm going to have to settle on a no for now, because while the knowledge for being a mentor is definitely there, I don't think the attitude is. This is mainly because my interactions with you have been nothing but negative, in and out of character. I've seen you become quite abusive towards other players, myself included, numerous times now.

I distinctly remember a situation where I pulled you up in game for beating another crewmember into crit, and while I was writing out the ticket for it with you in cuffs, you sat there spamming "hurry up" and "hurry up shitsec" for around two minutes straight and then complained in OOC after the round ended, even when I explained to you that just because someone is an antagonist, it doesn't make you exempt from a murder/assault charge. It left a bad taste in my mouth, because it showed that you weren't capapble of controlling your temper and having any sort of interaction with someone if it was "negative" in regards to your experience. I am not the only security officer you have done this to, either. There have been several situations where I've seen you shitting on a player in OOC and telling them not to play security.

Another problem I have is you regularly referring to people as "cunts". Whether it be "stupid cunt" or "dumb cunt", this seems to be an insult you immediately resort to when you're upset with someone and I don't think it's the kind of language that someone seeking a mentor role should be using.

If you're able to change your ways and become a more positive, enjoyable player to interact with, I'll happily rescind my critique and support you.
I can see where Knight is coming from with his explanation of my temper in the past. Recently I have been trying to avoid overreacting in situations and I feel like my behavior recently has been a huge improvement from the past. I think that a lot of the situations I've encountered you in have been frustrating to me in the past because they've only been sec - crimer interactions. I used to get very frustrated in those interactions and I understand that, looking back at it now. If i remember correctly that interaction you're talking about happened a while ago. I think that that frustration still comes up every now and again with all of us, because this game can be frustrating sometimes. I took a very long break from the game and I feel like it's time to come back with a clean slate and change what people think of me from my behavior in the past. I'm trying my best to start fresh with everybody and add somebody to the community that people want to see.

I feel like you brought up very important points in my past behavior that I should have added to the application, and I appreciate that you are willing to give me that chance to show that I can change and make interactions more enjoyable for everybody.
Thank you for the responses!
Gonna say no.

While you've got enough knowledge for it, I really feel this isn't something that you would fit well in at the moment. Your behaviors in this year alone have been rather distasteful and something I wouldn't want to see in a mentor. You often times came off to me as a bit power hungry as well at times, and I'm not entirely sure how you would act with IC info given mentor, but I'm not too confident currently that there wouldn't be a slip up.

Now I only started recognizing this kind of poor attitude and behavior recently, of this year and late last year. Whether this is because of stuff going with you or because I started noticing you a bit more I'm unsure of, ultimately that's not my concern though, but given maybe 8 months back and I would've thought you were a pretty chill peep, never really causing too much trouble or anything. If you can show improvement and stick to it as well as maybe return to those chill times of the past, I'd be happy to reconsider my decision.
This application has been denied due to insufficient support. We encourage you to consider reapplying in the future!

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