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give discord a head of security channel
the heads of security (darkblues) require a channel to discuss clown torture and argue about whether the egun or lawmaker are better 50 times every day so that we dont flood the spaceman channel with it
Last year I pitched the idea of a Head of Security channel in admin chat and I was LAUGHED OUT OF THE ROOM. People thought it would become a sekrit cool kids club, and it probably would if all we did was make the channel and open it up to HoS's.

But that wasn't my plan, I wanted to have the channel to throttle posts from users so you could only make 1 post every hour or like every day. And they laughed! Oh, how they laughed!

"Kyle", they said, "We don't need another gimmick channel, we already have enough channels as it is!"

"I know", I replied, "We should delete some of those channels so we can fit this one."

And they laughed me right out of the room I was typing my responses in. Now maybe I just imagined all that laughter, maybe I'm making up a good 30% of this story, or maybe what I'm trying to say is that I pitched this idea once and it didn't go anywhere. We'd probably have to have an *actual* good reason to make it, unless everyone else comes to appreciate my joke idea.
Can't think of really anything that HoSes would say that shouldn't be in public channels, the mentor channel is primarily because they need to be able to answer mentorhelps from discord and those should not be shown to non-mentors. The role isn't used for anything at all really (We made it with the intent of pinging HoS players for feedback on game design opinions, but it's actually better to just ask in public channels) and hasn't added a huge amount IMO, so I don't see what good a channel would be. Security tips and game design discussion regarding security is better in a public space where other sec players can comment on it and see it
A discord channel that just posts tickets written at the end of rounds
(04-25-2020, 03:34 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: A discord channel that just posts tickets written at the end of rounds

That sounds way better.
I brought this up in mentor chat and was told it was a dumb idea

But I think a general #security channel open to all would be good.
I'm pretty firmly against the introduction of a Head of Security only channel - the last thing we need is another cool kids club where only a certain group can hang out and another stupid clique to develop which is what it would ultimately turn in to. However, as Sov mentioned, I wouldn't mind a "security" channel itself, where newer security members/players can feel free to ask any questions they have regarding security without the worry/anxiety attached in posting questions in the more public channels. Confident, longer-playing security members/players (regardless of HoS status) can answer them and assist as best they can. Maybe even an FAQ could be pinned.

Then again, it probably isn't necessary, as #spaceman-discussion is relatively chill depending on the time of day.
i agree, but only if the general public can see it so we can spy on the sec bourgeoisie
Wouldn't be such a bad idea for a security channel (Call it R.O.B.U.S.T, like the PDA programme) for security to talk about beating clowns and the like, and HoS' just have a flair on this channel, but that'd be about it.

Security is very clique as most are masochists who thrive on a mix of control and lack of it. I'd say it would see some use to talk about security strats and general robusting techniques.
I really would like a discord channel that just posts the tickets when a round ends. We have a twitter bot set up that does something similar and it's really good
I’m very much so for this. It’ll help the HoSes feel like more of a community. There are plenty of bullshit channels in the discord. If we’re so worried about a “sekrit club”, we can just nix the mentors discord.

>30 hoses have been given the beret since 2019. In comparison, there were less than 30 HoSes bereted since I was given mine (2014) to 2019. We are building momentum here and a discord only HoS chat (also, giving OOC colors) is objectively the correct move. Most of the secret club narcissism that’s rarely displayed aren’t even HoSes.
(05-10-2020, 02:27 PM)OMJ Wrote: If we’re so worried about a “sekrit club”, we can just nix the mentors discord.

There are two mentor channels. The main one is where all mhelps go and are discussed and answered - no way that could be made unsecret. The other one is for secret event planning - making it public defeats the whole point.

Mentorhood and HoShood's need for secrecy or lack thereof are fundamentally different. There is nothing secret with regard to HoSes; there is a lot secret for mentors' eyes only.
I mean, I feel ya omj, but you'd be shooting yourself in the foot a little if you make the HoS channel secret. 

I mean you're talking about building momentum for encouraging others to join up for HoS, but by making it secret, those that would seek advice on security strats and basic temperament, etc would be met with secrecy. We should be open and transparent about it. And besides if it was purely secret, it'd just end up as HoS players flexing at each other like some sorta eternal gym session. 

Make it open to the public, for all security players. Give HoS players flairs or different colored names, w/e, so they can answer questions that any passerby may have, and so HoS players can encourage good players to join the ranks, and discourage what they think is bogus behavior. Add a ticketing logging system that appears after a round is done to keep it fresh and for the occasional chuckle. Boom, there you have it, something worthwhile.
(05-10-2020, 02:57 PM)Sundance Wrote: I mean, I feel ya omj, but you'd be shooting yourself in the foot a little if you make the HoS channel secret. 

I mean you're talking about building momentum for encouraging others to join up for HoS, but by making it secret, those that would seek advice on security strats and basic temperament, etc would be met with secrecy. We should be open and transparent about it. And besides if it was purely secret, it'd just end up as HoS players flexing at each other like some sorta eternal gym session. 

Make it open to the public, for all security players. Give HoS players flairs or different colored names, w/e, so they can answer questions that any passerby may have, and so HoS players can encourage good players to join the ranks, and discourage what they think is bogus behavior. Add a ticketing logging system that appears after a round is done to keep it fresh and for the occasional chuckle. Boom, there you have it, something worthwhile.
yeah this is cool

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